Pringles Lord of the rings.
31 1 ReplyHWK_290 Specifically, Fellowship, extended edition
10 1 Replynile Nah, just 12 hours of extended edition x3. One sitting.
4 1 Reply
OverfedRaccoon 🦝
The Fifth Element.
22 0 ReplyChakkiejan Monty Python and the Holy Grail
21 0 Replykvn Shaun of the Dead
15 0 ReplyEntropy So many good answers here, but I gotta add Aliens and Ferris Bueller's Day Off
15 0 ReplyWhitebrow Pirates of the Caribbean
17 2 Replyyenahmik I watched this so often as a kid, I could quote the entire thing verbatim from start to finish.
5 0 Reply
kucing Kung Fu Hustle
12 0 Replychtk
Evil Dead 2
3 0 Reply
swifteh Hackers. It’s so bad but I love it
11 0 Replywhatisallthis The Breakfast Club
11 0 Replyrichieadler 🇦🇷 Back to the Future.
11 0 ReplyRavaja Superbad
10 0 ReplyCoderKat
How the hell have neither Mean Girls or The Princess Bride been posted yet?? Those are, like, the most quotable and fun movies ever.
9 0 ReplyCandelestine Starship Troopers. It doesn't matter what mood I was in, I will be in a better one by the time it finishes. Also makes for excellent background for household chores, once you have the whole film basically memorized.
10 1 ReplyTelodzrum Heat, Groundhog Day, Alien, Blade Runner
9 0 Replyhalfmanhalfalligator Groundhog Day annual rewatch!
3 0 Reply
richard_wagner The Matrix and Die Hard and The Dark Knight Trilogy.
9 0 ReplyTronnaRaps The Other Guys
8 0 ReplyBlastasaurus Yeh very rewatchable
3 0 Replyquicksand There goes my hero...
3 0 Reply
inconceivabull The Grand Budapest Hotel (peak Wes Anderson)
7 0 ReplySilversw0rd Don't touch the
waterbellboy!2 0 Reply
Meeech Empire Records.
Damn the man! Save the empire!
6 0 Replyaaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind. The premise always sucks me in, can't turn it down. Not a good movie to watch on a date or in the beginning of a relationship though.
6 0 ReplyBlaze OP
This one is great
2 0 Replyaaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
Yeah, one of the gems of the 2000s
2 0 Reply
NotATravesty Supertroopers and Hot Fuzz
6 0 Replypips There's many but the classic action ones, for me, are The Rock, Con Air, Patriot Games, The Sum of All Fears, Air Force One, Starship Troopers, Pacific Rim, and Die Hard/er.
On the lighter side, I'll always watch Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Superbad, Anchorman, This is the End, Hot Tub Time Machine, Pirates of the Caribbean, Blazing Saddles, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, and The Emperor's New Groove.
6 0 Replyfuriosa +1 for Air Force One.
2 0 Reply
Doubleohdonut The Big Lebowski
21 Jump Street
7 1 ReplyOrganicMeatbag
6 0 Replyresin85 Blues Brothers. Orange whip? Orange whip? Three orange whips.
5 0 ReplyLexaMaridia Holes (Disney)
5 0 ReplySilversw0rd The Fugitive.
Naked Gun 1/2/3
Executive Decision.
4 0 ReplyDeftdrummer - The Godfather part I
- The Revenant
- Heat
- Forest Gump
4 0 ReplyAAA One of these is not like the others. Seriously, why The Revenant?
1 0 Reply
Sasuke [comrade/them]
rocky horror
4 0 ReplyDespotic Machine
A small but growing Texas town, filled with strange and musical characters, celebrates its sesquicentennial and converge on a local parade and talent show.
David Byrne of Talking Heads fame visits a typical (and fictional) Texas town, on the eve of the town's celebration of the state's sesquicentennial. He meets various colorful local characters, most notably Lewis Fyne, a big-hearted bachelor in search of matrimony.
4 0 Replyiamyourunspokenmind High Fidelity
4 0 ReplyNusm
Remember the Titans. I don't care if it's 5 minutes in or 5 minutes from the end, I will sit and watch it.
"You make sure they remember, forever, the night they played the Titans!"
4 0 Replymoonbairn
Pulp Fiction
4 0 ReplyDisgustoid The Back to the Future trilogy. It'd only be a slight exaggeration to say I've watched those movies hundreds of times.
4 0 Replymkhopper
Robocop, Trains, Planes and Automobiles, Dances with Wolves.
3 0 ReplyJordan Lund
3 0 ReplyBlastasaurus Step Brothers
Billy Madison
Dumb and Dumber
3 0 Replyquicksand May I add Hot Rod to this list?
1 0 Reply
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
3 0 ReplyAAA Gladiator
Kingdom of Heavens
Tron: Legacy
I could watch them backwards and still enjoy them.
Edit: Goodbye Lenin. It's just so god damn rich, coming from that country and time myself.
4 1 ReplySilversw0rd Gladiator Kingdom of Heavens Tron: Legacy
Boy... The punctuation sure would have been fcuked had it not been for the good old colon. The irony!
1 0 ReplyAAA When I wrote the comment I put them in separate lines. Apparently the app I'm using doesn't get the formatting right. Sorry for the confusion.
1 0 Reply
devd2000 Before Sunrise
3 0 ReplyJonnyBlaze
3 0 Replyfilefly The Shawshank Redemption
3 0 ReplyFlyberius [comrade/them]
Gladiator or Master and Commander
3 0 ReplyInvertedParallax Give me a ping, Vasili, one ping only pleash.
2 0 Replyvettnerk Zoolander
2 0 Replyfuriosa LOVE this prompt. I’m a big rewatcher.
Bodies Bodies Bodies
Baby Driver
Grand Budapest Hotel
Mad Max: Fury Road
Sleepless in Seattle
Never Been Kissed
Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion
3 1 ReplyShadow
Top gun
3 1 ReplySkoobie
Drop Dead Gorgeous
It is regularly quoted and watched in my household.
3 1 Replythesohoriots Brick
3 1 ReplyFooSolo Bloodsport or The Road Warrior.
2 1 Replywilberfan
1 0 ReplyManosTheHandsOfFate
1 0 ReplyKalash The Man from Earth.
2 1 Reply