Mostly for the memory of playing the song at the time many, many years ago, when I was 26, trying to forget someone. Will's Blues - The Blackeyed Susans
If you’re looking for a more modern break up song. I thoroughly recommend Mitski’s Be The Cowboy album or Caroline Rose’s - Art of Forgetting album.
Not in a "this song speaks to my relationship with this person" way, but she kind of turned me on to Ani. It was a tumultuous semi-relationship and I'm glad it never got past that. I really hope she figured things out and got herself clean.
The whole album reminds me about a low low time in my life which revolved around a person who shall not be named.
Couldn’t listen to it for years but I’ve tried it again recently and now it’s not so bad anymore.
Beautiful album, heartbreaking songs, lyrics and melodies.
Don't really have a song that matches the prompt. The closest I can get is a song that reminds me of some of the most difficult periods of time in my life, and of the people I've been that I'd rather forget I was (well not forget because I'd never learn, but, you know). This is one I recommend giving the lyrics a read through (THOUGH A ⚠️BIG TRIGGER WARNING⚠️ if you struggle with self harm).
I met my ex-wife on "blind date" sophomore year of high school at a Refreshments show. When this song came on, she snuggled up real close to me and I could feel the connection between us for the first time. It was truly magic in that way only high school first love could be.
We're still friends after 15 years together and almost as long divorced. But, this song takes me back to a different place and time like nothing else ever could.
it’s amazing how we make connections like that. I think because music is non-visual, our eyes capture memories even more aggressively and tie it to the music playing.