Irony - for all things ironic and funny pics
Irony - for all things ironic and funny pics

thorbot Plot twist, she ain’t pregnant
79 0 Replycoach Just fat and dumb as fuck.
8 4 Reply
Quacksalber Let's be realistic, that child's future is fucked even without that cigarette.
45 1 ReplyLEDZeppelin She’s pro-life. She ain’t no pro-good-life
37 0 ReplyPlatypusXray Gotta make sure the kid ain’t gonna be no fuckn democrat, yknow?
29 1 ReplyNiggling__Niggard She knows what's good for her kid, okay? She doesn't need no libral scientologist with made up studies telling her smoking causes cancer when she's been doing her own research on YouTube proving cancer comes from vaccines.
19 2 Replyᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝
6 0 Replyeuphoriaa OP every time i link it like this, everyone says it doesnt work. idk what to do anymore
3 0 Replyᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝
The link in that format works fine for me.
4 0 Replymarcos Well, for me it stopped not working a while ago.
It used to be a matter of luck if it got me anywhere. But now it works reliably.
2 0 Reply
Deftdrummer 404 not found
4 3 Replyneoney
Try searching the link in your instance’s search page. It might not have been federated yet.
7 0 ReplyHelldiver_M
Weird, link is working for me. Is it still down for you?
2 0 Reply
Lydia_K By "near-miss prediction" I assume you mean that it'll happen way sooner that 2505.
1 0 Reply