DIY binaural recording head
DIY binaural recording head
Since I discovered binaural audio... I dont want to listen to anything else.
I got really nice headphones, maybe the best "budget" ones for spacial hearing, and I want to record my own stuff.
- Silocone ears from Ebay (Acupuncture, Acoustics, Jewelry) left+right!
- a head that is heavy, hair simulated with carpet, hollow inside for cables and all, mount at the bottom
- lavalier mics, Røde or something good but cheap? (high dynamic range, omnidirectional, low inherent noise, neutral sound capturing)
- some recording solution
Now there are many questions:
- what lavalier mics are best but dont cost a ton?
- what material to use for the head, how to do the cast/crafting?
- what recording device?
(Placeholder once I decided)
Material of head
Version 1
Baloon, paper mâché, smaller baloon, concrete
Somehow keep the vertical cylinder for the ears and cables
- natural head dampening
- keeps tech secure
- heavy
- kinda hard to do
- needs soft outer shell
Version 2
Light, styrofoam with some harder shell
- light
- easy to do
- easy to cut holes and all
- doesnt dampen sound as much
- may get damaged
Version 3
Wood, carved from 2 pieces
- looks nice
- I like woodwork
- dampens okay
- good intermediate weight
- hard to do
- needs soft outer shell
I dont really want to use an expensive recording device and use it with external mics only. It should do:
- stereo mic input, best analog
- lossless codec
- high samplerate and bitrate, customizable
- maybe some light adaption like volume regulation
- no distortion
- under 50€?
Idea 1: Phone
Using this Audio recorder from F-Droid sounds good.
Problem: no stereo audio input as far as I know. Two phones are kind of annoying, even though totally possible.
I would either need some intense modding to:
- turn around the AUX port and have stereo input (likely impossible)
- hack the phone to have two seperate inputs, dongle and AUX input
- make the recording app work with that
When using a dongle, what AUX-USBC dongle supports stereo input?? And unsure if that works with my Pixel 4a.
To be continued...
Meanwhile, here is a nice collection of binaural / surround / hifi music.