The Newport News Education Association President condemned the premise of the school division’s motion to dismiss Abigail Zwerner’s pending $40 million lawsuit.
NEWPORT NEWS — The Newport News Education Association President condemned the premise of the school division’s motion to dismiss Abigail Zwerner’s pending $40 million lawsuit.
The motion was filed last week by attorneys representing the School Board and argues that Zwerner, who was shot in her classroom at Richneck Elementary in January by a 6-year-old student, is only entitled to file a worker’s compensation claim because the injury she sustained from the shooting is a “workplace injury,” and that the shooting was a hazard of the job.
You guys saying "well are they wrong?" Are missing the point, the lawyer is attempting to normalize school shootings, and he's trying to do this in order to let the school get away with not taking the appropriate steps to prevent this incident from happening.
You know, fuck that. I don't agree. The lawyer is willfully making people and society worse in this defense, consciously. That is indefensible and condemnable.
The lawsuit is based on that she told the school multiple times about this kid, but no action was taken. That the schools negligence is the cause of her injury.
Yeah, that makes sense. This filling isn't wrong to attempt, but there's also no reason to not believe negligence wasn't involved in protecting their teachers. I doubt the judge will dismiss based on this reasoning. That's what the trial is for. I don't blame the attorney for trying though, and I don't doubt the reasoning will be a very large part of their defense in the end.
I'd love to see the data on deaths at shooting ranges vs schools. And by "love" I mean that I'll probably be queasy to learn more people die at schools than shooting ranges.
i mean...there is a LOT more security/safety measures in a shooting range Because there are a lot more guns. even if someone went on a killing spree they would be shot by one of the other dozen people holding a loaded weapon. not defending school shootings.
If we're not going to enact common sense gun laws and protections for the public, then it is a workplace injury. She should still be allowed to sue those responsible for not protecting her and the children in her care, but when you normalize school shootings this is what you get. If a cop can say getting shot is a workplace injury and receive compensation for the rest of his life, so should she.
That's absolutely what they're saying. And I don't agree that the payout should be capped. Especially when in some places it's not capped for cops. But on the other hand... This is the worst time line.
The way the law is set up (and thus the reason the lawyers are arguing it) is that you can't sue your employer for a workplace injury, it is purely a workers compensation (insurance) claim, and those do not pay any millions of dollars, and also the school would be covered by their insurance.
Only in in gun nut America would anyone in their right mind would call being fucking shot a 'workplace injury'. I mean if this is what is expected then they should be making 100K+ a year since they face being shot more than being a cop.
James Graves, the president of the Newport News teachers union
Graves said, “These lawyers have started a significant hurricane in our district by saying that being shot is part of what teachers signed up for.”
this is grim but when i saw his last name, the first thing i thought of was nominative determinism theory (hypothesis that people tend to gravitate towards areas of work which reflect their names.)
lastly, at what point does something become labeled a "work hazard"? i'm looking forward to seeing how this case pans out. also, i wonder how insurance companies are going to react to this.
What happened to holding the parent liable for what their kids do? Like the Oxford MI shooting the parents were charged. Lets keep doing that, keep charging the parents for the kids crimes. Maybe parents will take a more vested interest in what the fuck their kids are doing, watching, websites they are viewing.
Charging parents for kids crimes will just be used as a weapon to lock up parents that authorities don't like. The only way to stop school shootings is to have better gun laws in the first place, as unpopular as that might be in America.
Maybe true to an small extent, but if you own a firearm and have a kid in the house, it's your responsibility to ensure they can't access it. Responsible gun ownership should be the norm and expectation, and to an extent legally required as well.
Stabbed with a pencil? Sure. Hit with a chair a kid threw? Okay. Harmed with an actual weapon? That they searched the kid for and didn’t find? Nope, sorry. I can’t accept that work hazard.