Why do you assume they are absolutely fucking terrified vs thinking better safe than sorry?
Because they are too afraid to go to a grocery store without a gun. That means they're really, really bad at risk assessment. And that makes them dangers to themselves and others.
I know the risk of a violent encounter is low, but I carry because it's the only reliable way to not be at a disadvantage in a fight.
Do you? Do you actually know that? Because your odds of being a shooting victim are way, way higher as a handgun owner than as a grocery shopper. You're more likely to be hit by lightning than to be in a violent confrontation at the supermarket, and yet you don't go around in a rubber suit to be "better safe than sorry."
Having a plan to avoid being assaulted isn't the same as living in terror.
And yet you're not wearing a rubber suit. Your risk aversion needs calibration if the gun that objectively makes you less safe makes you feel more safe.
Protip - if some group seems totally ridiculous, there's a good chance you don't understand something important.
Or they could be members of the Westboro Baptist Church, and they are totally ridiculous.
For the record, I don't think all gun owners are ridiculous - certainly not to the level of the WBC. I don't even think people who feel the need to pack heat while going out for milk are ridiculous. But they're definitely scared, and bad at assessing risks.