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umad_cause_ibad All different colors = 5?
16 1 Replyalex [they, il] OP That's the most colours of toilet paper we found, yes.
23 1 ReplyCluckN I’ve seen some novelty TPs where they have funny faces on them but I respect going for the full color spread.
3 1 Replymerde alors
i regularly see a black one.
interesting to see but i don't buy it
3 1 Replyebits21
Black seems like a terrible idea…
4 0 ReplySpacecraft How do you see all the blood with black toilet paper?
3 0 Replymerde alors
i can't see blood with white either 🙃
2 0 ReplySpacecraft Oh la-de-da Mr. doesn't bleed from his asshole!
7 0 Reply
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