I don't understand PragerU... they put out all of this fascist propaganda, but they still have this video up on their YouTube channel that spells out in no uncertain terms that the cause of the civil war was slavery and the south's want to defend a "morally repugnant institution":
Honestly Youtube sucks. I get flagged for "supporting criminal gang activity" because I had a video about Randy Stair that didn't even paint him in a positive light, most youtubers have to say "unalive" because mentioning death gets them demonetized yet PragerU can just straight up say we need to re-enslave black people and the response is "aww shucks"
They just sell content to education institutions, nothing more, nothing less. They don't care what that content is for or against, only that someone finds it valuable. It's not about being "fair and balanced"; it's about playing both sides to make as much money as possible.
I fucking knew it... Read the headline and came to the comments thinking "it's definitely that shithole PragerU isn't it..."
Conservatives LOVE projection and they use their victim complex as ammunition. "Libz own the colleges and indoctrinate our youth so it's totally fine now to have our own propaganda university teaching real history!"
Yeah - they don't seem to understand that there is a massive difference between "having biases" and "being biased." It's how they've excused the purposeful slant of FoxNews all these years.
Would simply changing conservative university to PragerU not be more context/more descriptive? I can't even see it being called editorializing if it's more accurate.
The divide between those who eat this bullshit and those who were responsibly raised will be fucking wild. Like think about that one dude in your life that hadn't heard about 'X', a thing that's common knowledge, and how baffling that was but now it's nonstop bafflement with a certain percentage of population.
It’ll be like the “States’ Rights” people, but infinitely worse. Being raised in the south, you’re taught that the civil war was over states’ rights, not slavery. That slavery was just the one that historians tended to latch onto, because it’s the most inflammatory topic and makes the south look bad.
And if you’re a good student and don’t bother to question that, you’ll enter the adult world believing that the south wasn’t fighting for slavery.
Do you have a word or words that you've said more times than any other during the past few years? Because I do, and it's "I'm so glad I never had kids"
I get that we need more people raising children on purpose to help guide them into being productive* members of society, but I'm not trying to subject my kids to that. So sorry, y'all on your own. I'll keep voting for schools and shit.
*Productive as in a decent person, not productive for an employer or church or something
That generation of Floridians is going to be seriously messed up. This could be a real problem (or maybe Florida will be destroyed by the Climate Crisis before it manifests, who knows).
At this point I expect Florida to undergo an apocalypse, ordinarily I wouldn't be so dramatic, but they are literally using radioactive material to make roads
And the thing of it is, the white conservative racists want slavery back because they think it'll apply to black people. But little do they realize that big capital wants slavery back, too, and big capital will be all to happy put everyone into slavery, including white conservatives.
They're all too happy to point out that white people were slaves too elsewhere in the world so that makes our slavery somehow not racist... They'll then hold these same beliefs as you state.
That implies it ever left. The 13th amendment "outlawed" except as punishment for crime. Guess how many new laws and crimes were invented after that amendment was created.
This is unhelpful - they do not. What they do want is to minimize it and its impact so that they don't have to feel bad. They're trying to square "I love America" with "America has done awful things." And it leads them to diminishing the latter to preserve the former.
I watched some clips of a couple of these videos. I said "Ok, I'm sure it's conservative, but it can't be that bad, can it?" Surely, the Democrats are using at least some hyperbole in describing these videos, right? Right?
Nope. If anything, they've understated it. These videos are awful. The ones on climate change are particularly brutal, outright saying that because China and India are pollution leaders too, that makes it perfectly OK.
Subjecting Florida's children to 13 years of this drivel is going to turn out a generation of young adults that are going to make Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene look like Mitt Romney by comparison.
Yup. While you and I may be preaching to the choir, I don't think a lot of people truly see how bad these videos are.
It's not even just the disinformation, though that's terrible enough. The blatant racism is off the charts. If you thought the "blacks benefitted from slavery" thing was bad, that's just the tip of the iceberg. They weren't just saying that. Their main talking points in the few short minutes I saw were:
Black people benefitted from slavery as it was better than the tribal warfare back home that got them captured in the first place.
Every major civilization was built on the backs of slaves
In some places, white people were used as slaves.
Somebody had to do it, and they looked good for it.
Even if it was bad, it was how 'Murica was built and the ends justify the means.
Nobody alive today was born a slave so hey, it's all good now.
And I only watched a clip that I saw on one of either the CNN or MSNBC videos on the subject. I can't imagine what sitting through an entire video would be like.
I truly feel sorry for Florida's students who are going to have to learn this bullshit only to go out into the real world, find out that a Florida education is now worthless and that the real world isn't Florida.
Does anyone know why they are allowed to call themselves a university when they clearly are just a rightwing propaganda machine? They fooled me for a while thinking that it was a ultra-christian academic institution or something dumb like that but they are not even a daycare.
Shouldnt it be illegal to call themselves a university? Its like if i open a bussines and call it a hospital but i only sell herbal teas and suplements, like holly shit.
Keep paying attention. Something big is about to go down or it's already going down. They only time they act batshit like this is when they're doing something even worse.
They're in for a rude awakening when they realize subjugating the many doesn't work well when you're the few and you don't understand science or technology, and you give guns out like candy to everyone.
"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, **except as a punishment ** for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
At some point along the line, Republicans decided that the more someone made liberals angry, the more conservative they were. And now they find themselves defending slavery. The "party of Lincoln".
When the Republican Party first gained traction, many states would have them labeled on the ballots as "Progressive Party".
Teddy Roosevelt ran on a platform of environmental conservation, anti-corruption, anti-monopoly, consumer protections, corporate regulation, social welfare, and income and estate tax.
Despite the name, PragerU is not an academic institution and does not hold classes, does not grant certifications or diplomas, and is not accredited by any recognized body.
It was famously already a well established argument by the time of the drafting of the US constitution. The southern states were deathly afraid their ability to keep slaves would be taken away, which was basically the entire driving motivation behind almost everything they did.
Lol of course its PragerU. I remember they had a similar video defending slave-owners a couple years ago, but at least that one was taken down pretty quickly.
when they say this about Santa or, my favorite, Jesus, I always love watching their faces turn red when I say, “prove it”. sometimes, I think their heads might just pop!
You didn't like that? Maybe you would appreciate my up and coming Puppet show featuring Mitch McConnell as an abortion eating transgender with her lover Donald Trump the illegal immigrant from some shithole country.
A few years back, we had a family member who is at a very extreme end of the political spectrum give my kids a book set that they "saw in a facebook ad" that said it was all about wholesome family values. It was called the "Tuttle Twins."
Not knowing what it was, we started reading them with our kids. The first book we read was fantastic(we read out of order). It talked about pencils, and followed the entire supply chain. Very informational, entertaining, and educational. It wasn't until the 2nd book, and on that the agenda crept in. Funny how when they talked about crime, all of the cartoons of criminals were diverse. When they talked about landscapers and gardeners, they were all depicted as hispanic. It kept getting worse and worse. Talking about education being corrupt, about how much immigration impacted people, and tried to justify a lot of things. We stopped reading early on, but I browsed them all to make sure I wasn't imagining it. Then I googled them, and I realized how bad the propaganda was.
For the record I'm a very pro-market dude who still thinks Friedman was wrong on some very serious issues, but it's an amazing example of supply chains and interdependence that deserves to be shared, regardless of your views.
Conservatives have infested the planet, spreading their diseases of deception, manipulation, bigotry, homophobia, racism, misogyny, antisemitism and xenophobia.
It is inappropriate to do business or keep relationships with conservatives. Do your part to fight conservatism. Exclude them from your daily life.
You do realize mindsets like this are a significant contributor to the political division we see today, right? This is not the way.
Instead of shutting them out of your life and trying to cancel them, try to educate. Show them why certain views are wrong and show them the outcomes of their beliefs. Rome wasn't built in a day.
I have spent a lifetime trying to reason with conservatives. I have learned that they cannot change their foundational opinions. Changing one's mind is not a quality of a conservative.
Every act of bigotry, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, antisemitism and misogyny comes from conservatives. They are famously anti-science, anti-medicine and anti-worker. Yet, you say I am the one creating division. You are clearly wrong on this one.
Instead of shutting them out of your life and trying to cancel them, try to educate. Show them why certain views are wrong and show them the outcomes of their beliefs. Rome wasn’t built in a day.
Because for a lot of people "they don't care". They think that they're strong and you're weak and they can get away with what they want to do because you literally can't stop them. From their perspective, trying to "reason" with them just shows how weak and powerless you are. A lot of fascists think like this and it's why people trying to convince them never quite seem to make headway. Also, they know that weak people object to their views, but, again, they don't care.
No, the political division we see today is because the christofacists have realized they lost their shitty "culture war" and are hellbent on destroying democracy and hurting the people they hate. Don't blame the victims. That bullshit is fucking obnoxious. Just hold hands with the people who want to strip away your rights and human dignity and everything will be great!
There’s no both-sides-ism in this. Those who wish to believe the ‘positive aspects’ of slavery would just as well cut your throat as well as mine. If you keep sticking one hand on a hot stove and smacking your neighbor with the other cause you’re in pain, the problem is not your neighbor, it’s YOU
Enough of this free market of ideas rhetoric, we know that a debate isn't truly what the fascists want, what they want is a smoke screen they can use to hide behind and pretend that their ideas are just as legitimate as anyone else's. Even though weather one prefers chocolate or vanilla should be a matter of opinion, not whether or not the Jews should be going back to camp, because they definitely should not. Anyone who wants to argue otherwise is quite literally a fascist.
If slavery 'was no deal' and 'actually beneficial' to those enslaved because of some skills or whatever, why not enslave those that are pro slavery and that keep spreading this bs?
I keep seeing articles refer to them as "a university" or "Prager University" lately, what's up with that? I thought they were officially PragerU because as a media outlet they're not allowed to call themselves a university, but the U implies it enough to lend credibility.
Are these writers just taking the bait? Or did PragerU finally realize you don't have to follow the law if you're rich and conservative?
Imagine a world where pedophilia/rape is legal and there is no escape for the victim. No big deal? Growing up, I held Thomas Jefferson in esteem. It is still teaching a whitewashed history. Lies are still rampant in the quest to steal minds to their racism.
Demote PragerU to Prageru. Don't give it any credibility by using their capital U. It isn't earned.
I'm sure they'd agree that you shouldn't judge for the crucifixion of Jesus and the persecution of Jews/early Christians as that kinda stuff was no big deal in the culture of the past right? What about majority of the present culture which views abortion as no big deal from their perspective? Popularity doesn't make something moral.
I think this article( and by extension you guys) are misrepresenting the pragerU clip. All its said was at the time, slavery was prevalent across the globe and it was "no big deal" for their societies of their time.
Who is to say that we arent going to look back and treat the prison system the same way or we would classify terminal online as slavery to corporations. Obviously slavery was inhumane but the people at the time didnt see it that way.
people who own slaves rarely think what they’re doing is wrong, especially because it benefits them so much. the slaves, on the other hand, rarely see it the same way.
abolitionist movements and slave revolts go back to Ancient Rome and before. Ever heard of Spartacus? wow...
No lol there were abolitionists before Columbus's voyage. People have always been capable of grasping how evil it is. They intentionally chose to ignore that aspect of their perception to maximize their profits.
Well, if we want to contextualise some periods it should. Like, imagine someone told you 40 year olds married 14 year olds without giving you the context of the period
It was normalised across the globe throughout human history. That is, I suppose, a valid point. Although I would say it's a pretty big deal that it was normalised across the globe throughout human history. And of course, there's more slaves today than there was during the entire period of the Atlantic slave trade, which is horrific and barely discussed.
Slavery is still rampant worldwide and is involved in the production of many goods that end up on us soil. How do you feel about your smart phone and cheap gadgets?
Who is to say that we arent going to look back and treat the prison system the same way or we would classify terminal online as slavery to corporations.
Then I will accept that judgement. Why do we need to forgive the past for it's wrongs just out of fear for being judged ourselves?
Just to be clear, slavery is 100% legal in the United States if it is punishment for a crime. Read the 13th amendment. Many people already see the prison system as an abhorrent extension of slavery. Legally speaking, it literally is.
Also, Christopher Columbus was tried in Spain and imprisoned for his atrocities in America. There was never a point in time where slavery was unanimously accepted. Institutional racism was born because enslavement between two equal humans is so clearly wrong. Slavery was so clearly a big deal that one party needed to be dehumanized to justify it.