Community request thread
Community request thread
If there's a community you want added, comment it here. We'll create it, and you can comment in that community and we'll make you the mod of it.
Ready! Player 31 Hey all not sure if this is the right place for this but I run TabletopMinis over on Any chance of an alliance where we link to your TTRPG communities and you link to ours? Hopefully to prevent too much fragmentation.
You can join us at or, from this instance, !
2 0 Replyeerongal OP
Sure, i don't mind link sharing like its 1990's internet. I've added a link to the sidebar.
1 0 ReplyReady! Player 31 Nice! I love a good hit of nostalgia. What link(s) would you like me to add?
I've not yet found a good way to browse another instance's community from your own instance so let me know if that's possibly somewhere I can direct people to.
1 0 Reply
FilBot3 Can there be a SoloRPG Community? For users and players of things like Mythic GM Emulator or Ironsworn.
2 0 ReplyLoremasterCheese Could you create a community for The One Ring RPG?
2 0 Replyeerongal OP
1 0 ReplyLoremasterCheese Thank you! May I have mod privileges?
0 0 Reply
FilBot3 Can there a group for Mythic GM Emulator or call it Word Mill Games since Mythic is made by Word Mill Games.
2 0 Replyeerongal OP
I just made one called Mythic RPG, since i would feel that's appropriate for their stuff. Can easily be a catch-all i think since their stuff falls under it.
1 0 Reply
Time for a community where Game Masters of various flavours can ask each other questions and get advice.
Could that be a thing? Can mod.
1 0 Replyeerongal OP
1 0 Replytissek
👍 Post there and you'll give mod?
1 0 Reply
[AFK] Mario
10 candles
1 0 Replyeerongal OP
3 0 Reply[AFK] Mario
undefined> 1
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jplate8 what about GURPS?
1 0 Replyeerongal OP
1 0 Reply
mwknight I'll admit I'm about a 3-week veteran of Lemmy right now, and green as green could be, but I'd love to try modding and growing a Delta Green community if that were ok.
1 0 ReplyLategamer Was going to suggest that some GENRE communities are better than game-specific communities.
Like including post-apoc rather than one for each of the various games which describe themselves as post-apoc.
1 0 ReplyKerrald Some suggestions:
-Harn -StarWarsRPG -DeltaGreen -Shadowdark -DungeonCrawlClassics -Genesys -Battletech -5Parsecs -CyberpunkRPG -DMAcademy -FantasyGrounds -FoundryVTT -Roll20 -BattleMaps -KingArthurPendragon -LFG -StarTrekAdventures -Traveller -WithoutNumber
Edit: I guess this doesn't keep formatting?
1 0 Replytissek
If you put four spaces at the endof each line you get a line break without a paragraph break. If you want it directly formated into a list use the asterix *
1 0 Reply
Maybe a community for TTRPG recommendations? A way to highlight smaller /newer games would be nice.
0 0 ReplySkyyHigh Are you volunteering to mod, or do you mean you think I should just make it?
0 0 ReplyDalimey
Yeah I can mod it.
0 0 Reply
Flushmaster How about a specific LFG section?
0 0 ReplySkyyHigh
Post in there and I'll mod you
0 0 ReplyFlushmaster Posted
0 0 Reply
Domille battlemaps, foundryvtt, and roll20 and I am volunteering to mod them as well
0 0 ReplyConlin ⚔️ Wuz
can we get a Mork Borg / CY_Borg community?
0 0 Replyeerongal OP
2 0 Reply