What do you choose?
What do you choose?
What do you choose?
RadioShack, and it's not even close.
Can we do radio shack from the 80s early 90s over the cellphone retailer they turned into before death.
Just before they flatlined, they started stocking more modern hobbyist stuff. Arduinos, shields, Parallax Propeller, and Vex, but stupid expensive.
I mean…it kinda makes the most sense to bring Jesus back.
And if you bring Jesus back…he’s a socialist pacifist Jew that might have a chance of setting the worst America has to offer right on their misguided opinions. We need more powerful anarcho-socialists, especially powerful ones—and I mean, literally powerful. He is purportedly magic. Boom. Goodbye capitalism.
No question. Bring Jesus back. And Conan.
I mean, if we're bringing like Bible Jesus back, I'd agree. But if we were to bring back the actual Jesus, he'd probably just be some religious lefty with a podcast and no one would care.
I'm not sure how a socialist jew half way around the world from me is going to help me find a specific value capacitor that I need immediately to fix an AV reciever I just picked up from goodwill.
Conan the O'Brien?
The same old 555 timers, opamps, and LED PCB xmas trees they've been selling for 30 years are nice but...there's much more interesting shit now and they didnt seem to catch on to that until the very end when they suddenly rushed out all the Arduino shit.
Around here, Micro Center replaced Radio Shack for my component impulse buy needs, and they even have Adafruit and Sparkfun stuff, and several aisles of a variety of other hobby electronics stuff. It's RadioShack x100.
Only because I want to see how Right wing "Christians" would react to being faced with their messiah being a middle-eastern globalist communist that preaches love and acceptance.
Honestly this time, instead of crucifying him, we really should strap him down to a table and put him in a lab to see if we can figure out some more medical modern miracles before he rage quits to heaven again.
Not like anyone on this Earth is going to gain anything from listening to his actual teachings or anything.
That is a good reason. It almost compensates for the fact that when he does come back, most everything is going to hell In a handbasket.
So, I'll go with another option, thank you.
My first thought was he’d be cancelled or get crucified again. He’d need to show some full on magic to get our attention today. Water to wine or walking on water is too “street magic” today.
Yeah, he'd need to demonstrate better powers or he'd be dead very quickly.
Maybe if he could wave his hand at an army and turn all the water in the soldiers bodies to wine? That'd be cool.
What if he tells the Onlyfans girls not to sin again?😂
Either RadioShack or Toys R Us. The other two, one is useless in this day and age, and the other is Blockbuster
We still have Toys R Us in Canada. As an adult there's really not much to get excited about in there anymore. At least Radio Shack could bring out some middle aged tinkering in me.
theres one or two blockbusters
Toys R Us
I have too much nostalgia in my veins for Toys R Us, but I want to say that when I was under 12, there was nothing like it.
RadioShack had everything you were looking for and absolutely nothing at the same time. It was glorious.
When they started filling the store with more cell phone advertising space than anything I knew they were done for.... Who in the hell bought cell phones at RadioShack? They stopped carrying much of what I went for, so I stopped going.
I remember going as a kid, once. I was 5 I think. It was....unique. A shit ton of red I remember. And cheap cell phone cords. Wish I could've experienced it more. Especially during the 90s. But that's before my time.
If you think 90s Radio Shack was great, trust me when I say that 80s Radio shack was even better. They had Heathkit project kits, robots, various TRS and Tandys, plus PARTS. It was so good.
There is a single one-off store in my city (Copenhagen, Denmark) that is almost exactly like a mid 90s radioshack. Cheap cables, electronics projects, bargain bin full of random components, shoddy soldering irons, etc.
Somehow it's still around. I'm deathly afraid that it'll close some day, so I try to shop there whenever possible.
Radioshack fs, bring back the idea of repairing your shit to the public mind
1980s-90s RadioShack, yes.
They really went off the rails during their decline. They became a cellphone store, and not at all a good one.. Their pricing on EVERYTHING was not only non-competitive, it was ludicrously expensive.
I would choose Jesus and I'm not even Cristian 🤣🤣🤣
You monster. You know the modern Christians would just kill him again. And he wouldn't fare any better if he came back in a Muslim country either.
The fuck mate, I didn't even see Jesus until you pointed it out.
I'd say Jesus. Either to prove everything written in the bible is fake or to watch some sweet miracles happen. Either way, I win.
"You didn't bring back the real Jesus. This is a false flag. Jesus was a Soros plant and not the same savior mentioned in the Bible." Is probably what people will say if you did the former.
Modern Christians wouldn't recognize him and would crucify him again
Look it's a commie! Get that dirty hippy!
Isn't rapture supposed to happen upon his return? Idk your life, but I'm personally not rooting for that lol.
Yes, would be much more entertaining than all the others combined.
He will turn out to be just a guy with mental instability and irrational hate for fig trees.
You can't bring back what never existed
Secular scholarly consensus is that Jesus did in fact exist. The religion named after him doesn’t have much to do with his message, and he certainly didn’t resurrect or do miracles, but he did exist. The idea that he is entirely mythical is a fringe theory held by literally one scholar, Richard Carrier. It’s certainly psychologically appealing to many ex-tians but doesn’t hold water.
80s RadioShack for sure. I miss that place so much.
I think people are forgetting that Blockbuster video was the shitty megacorp that killed all the charming local, independent video stores.
Those stores had personality. I miss that experience.
Blockbuster felt corporate and bad.
This is the only answer. I need aether to coaxial converter. For sure they had one.
I’d like to bring back the market environment that made Radio Shack profitable - when the “right to repair” was a given, and not something that needed to be fought for in court.
Jesus. Imagine how much of the world would react if
1: jesus literally proved he existed to faiths that say he's a hoax (im agnostic btw)
2: He reforms the groups that use his name as a pretext to exclude & marginalize others.
3: Dude turned out to have been gaming like a boss in heaven, like dude comes down & faces the pope in Dungeons & Dragons or Pokemon lmfaooo
Plot twist: he gets crucified, again.
Nevermind if Jesus turns up to be non binary I expect a meltdown then.
Jesus. He is slated to return one day anyway but we need him now to show republicans what christianity is all about
Amen brother.
I miss having knowing there's a Radio Shack around the corner if I need an obscure component or an exotic battery for a project.
Yeah, you can find anything online now, but you have to wait for it to ship, hope it doesn't get lost or stolen, and hope they actually sent the right part.
Edit to add: Basically 80-90s RS, not the husk that it was more recently that sold mostly phones and crap toys around the holidays.
As a non-American I'm not familiar with any of these things. That dude looks kinda familiar though, wasn't he one of the Beatles? The one that got shot? Bring him back please!
RadioShack, the real thing but modernised, like Fry's and microcenter but way more hardcore. It's not even a contest
Radio Shack would be great as a maker store, selling things like components/parts/materials, Arduino/RPi boards, 3D printers, tools, etc
Definitely Jesus. I want to eat popcorn while I watch Christo-fascists and the prosperity gospel crowd hysterically calling Jesus a terrorist because he took a flamethrower to their vile McChurches.
It would almost be worth going to hell as a nonbelieving heretic if I could see Jesus actually return and start whipping republicans and evangelicals through the street while they decry him as a child grooming liberal homosexual communist.
Fuck the nostalgia treats. As far as I have read,
was a comrade and would be a comrade again.Exactly. I'm an atheist and electronics geek, but I am torn between Radio Shack and Jesus. I bet Jesus could effectively organize a world-wide general strike that completely overthrows capitalism and replaces it with a dictatorship of the proletariat so fast it would make Jeff Bezos' head spin and pop off.
As long as I am fantasizing, I'll bet if Radio Shack came back, they would start selling Framework laptops to ordinary consumers and kick-start a market of DIY mobile computing platforms from laptops to cell phones to TV sets to home rack-mount servers running fediverse services all built with standardized parts and overthrow the consumerist electronic appliance market.
Fry's Electronics
Is Fry's gone?
He fried his electronics :(
On February 24, 2021, Fry's announced the immediate and permanent closure of all of its stores.
RadioShack was great when every electronic was analog and you needed some random VGA to RCA adapter at 9pm on a weekday
Yeah and batteries.
And a capacitor to fix your TV.
There's also an absurd amount of gamer girls entering the space thanks to "cozy desk TikTok" who get a lot of micro electronics and foreign imports, mechanical keyboards, etc. All they would've had to have done was offered pink custom keyboards with jade keycaps and make a hobby out of it, and it would've been game. Shoot you could even have sold cat ears in the same section.
Toys R Us, easy.
It never left Canada.
You guys accepting American defectors? A land without Toys R Us is a land that I don’t want to be in.
As someone who worked at RadioShack, I would only want to bring it back if we could have owners who care about electronics and technology more and making profits less. I got to live the decline as they tried to become a cell phone store, and then got destroyed by big box stores and provider stores in that market. RadioShack would need to stay in its lane. Electronics, home theater, computers.
If you have a MicroCenter in your area, it will have all this for you, tho, so I honestly would pick ToysRUs. There just isn't a real "fun focused" retailer anymore. Even adults could feel like kids at ToysRUs.
RadioShack. Without a doubt.
I live in a crazy ancient backwards land where Toys R’ Us still exists.
So the obvious choice is RadioShack.
Surprisingly, I might pick Blockbuster. Having even just one streaming service costs the same as like 8 rentals per month. Idk about the rest of you, but I think I watch more movies than most and it's still not 8 per month. And remember video game rentals?! Game Pass and PS+ Extra are amazing, but the selection is far from endless.
And it's kinda win-win. I'd bet anything that revenue for these media companies would rise since it would be cheap enough and convenient enough to curb some amount of piracy. It's just not worth the effort and risk for lots of people if they can just pop in for a rental while they're already out for groceries. Redbox should be more successful, but there's something about browsing in person through aisle after aisle and seeing what jumps out, and it saddens me that my generation may be the last to have had that experience.
You can still rent movies via Google Play, for cheaper in today's money than then, it seems.
I believe you 100% (and piracy is even cheaper) but browsing in person is something I truly miss. And it makes sense for digital access to be cheaper because there's nothing to rewind/wipe clean and no need to replace stock that breaks/gets lost/gets stolen. I hear you in that it's faster and more convenient to go digital like that, but there's something almost therapeutic about taking your time and walking and using your hands. It's intentional. It's active. It's a whole thing. It's like the difference between getting fast food from a drive through versus walking through a few blocks of a city and choosing a good restaurant and sitting down and enjoying a cultivated experience. I know I'm exaggerating the impact, but not by as much as you might think.
if you thought it was good and it dissapeared then you will feel nostalgic for it
Yeah except their prices would have increased with everything else if they survived
Yeah? Well, back in my day we could get bread for a nickel and the music was really about something.
I'm just kidding, you actually make a very good point lol.
you mean blockbuster to it's former glory if you want blockbuster back just go on a roadtrip to some small town if you still have rented blockbuster movies put em there im not even american so id have to take a flight or a very long boat ride and a roadtrip to get there. i am gonna reply with were the last blockbuster is
there's two i found on google maps most likely to be open: https://maps.app.goo.gl/V5tuDbCR3QiT5VJy7
and https://maps.app.goo.gl/VoWYDWxTFvRMMGRu8 it's temporarily closed at the time of typing this it may not be open
Toys r Us still alive in Canada!
That narrows things down. Let’s bring back the J man and he can disown what his followers have become
Also, RadioShack in spirit - it's called The Source now and it's on the death knell, but they're still around.
also is South Africa!
Jesus but only if He's vibing with His roommate the Buddha in some small apartment like in that one manga
Y'all really need to step up the meme game. What does this even mean. "I'm old ha ha ha?"
Also, Jesus. I don't need more cheap crap, I need to get drunk on a friday without spending my whole paycheck and Josh can hook that up.
...are there other choices?
Jesus, that way he can end the world before global warming kills us all.
Look the promise was no more worldwide flooding..
I mean I kinda gotta go with Jesus so we can end the world already
I'm too young to have experienced RadioShack and Blockbuster Video. Also Toys R Us still exists in my country (Still exists in Canada.) To make a close equivalent I'd say maybe Sears or Target, both whom no longer have a presence in Canada.
Blockbuster for sure. You can get similar experiences from other stores for RadioShack and toys r us.
I'm going Blockbuster, just because I'd love to be able to rent new release video games again. Redbox used to scratch that itch, until they stopped carrying them.
I'd want Blockbuster to roam the isles when I'm in the area but I know I'd never actually rent anything and just go home and stream it instead
Roaming the isles is all I want it for lol
I mean…it kinda makes the most sense to bring Jesus back.
And if you bring Jesus back…he’s a socialist pacifist Jew that might have a chance of setting the worst America has to offer right on their misguided opinions. We need more powerful anarcho-socialists, especially powerful ones—and I mean, literally powerful. He is purportedly magic. Boom. Goodbye capitalism.
No question. Bring Jesus back. And Conan. Being Conan back.
None, I'm fine, thank you
Blockbuster, physically seeing the movies that I'm gonna pirate is priceless.
I would prefer Microcenter make smaller versions of their stores. Like Micro-Microcenters.
And open up a branch that just sells microbiology lab supplies. Like Micro-Micro-Microcenters.
Toys R Us. With proper management they could still be successful, unlike Blockbuster which was a victim of changing technology.
Move to Canada. We still have Toys R Us and "the Source" (which is what RadioShack became here).
Yeah but the source sucks, it's not the same.
Even toys r us isn't the same they don't have game consoles set up to demo (at least not near me). But at least it's kinda close.
Yeah, you can't buy... anything that Radio Shack used to sell at the Source. It's just cell phones and headphones now. It was still pretty ass before Bell bought it, but at least it had, you know, basic things like cables and solder when Circuit City owned it.
yeah, don't enter "The Source" to buy electronic components or kits or whatever. IIRC it is owned by Bell and mostly sell phone plans.
We never had blockbusters here, but our local equivalent is actually still doing quite well. I think streaming movies is more popular, but a lot of people go there to rent music CDs. Actually buying physical music albums is really expensive.
We still have Toys R Us too actually, I think it does pretty well here for the most part.
So I guess my answer defaults to Radioshack.
There’s still a running RadioShack out in Dickson TN that I visited once. It’s actually a fantastic store to have nearby for electronic hobbyists who need weird adapters on a whim without waiting a few days to a few weeks for online shipments. I understand why it went mostly under, but as someone who was born in 2000, it was a little sad to realize that those stores mostly only exist for niche markets now.
Jesus for the Chaos
Most people wouldn't believe it was him anyway
Many of his followers would say he’s the wrong color for him to truly be Jesus
What good is Blockbuster when streaming exists?
What good is Toys R Us when kids don’t play with toys anymore and I definitely can’t afford to obsessively collect toys like those who came before me?
Jesus - no
RadioShack was a niche tech store with niche tech stuff. No need to wait an absurd amount of time for random stuff online.
Growing up near Chicago, every Saturday morning (I think?) they had the lucky kid who got to run through a Toys R Us grabbing everything they could for a few minutes. Man, it was the kids version of the lottery dream. I knew exactly which aisles I would hit and all the stuff I'd grab. RIP Geoffrey.
I was at toys'r'us last weekend. Well I walked through it to get to babies'r'us, but I was technically there.
As an almost 40yr old now father, this is such a hard choice. Except Jesus. I'll never get to see that magic of the face of my child (4yr) the first time we would walk in. Or, the magic of my own face every time I went into a RadioShack. Blockbuster was just a cool place overall.
Toys'R'Us with Jesus as CEO.
Radio Shack alllllll day
Toys R Us only went under in the US thanks to Vulture Captialists like Mitt Romney.
So old school Radio Shack with the hobbyist electronics in the back.
Jesus then ask him to bring ther others back.