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Monday morning thread

Monday's round again, and back to work for some of us.

I'm back to an air conditioned office, which will be lovely. It's just a shame it's at work. Anything planned for this week?

  • 3 more Mondays, 2 more Fridays before my new job begins. I'm excited and nervous.

    Last night I did some great double thickness pork steaks and used some leftover peanut butter to make a sauce for them. It was absolutely divine and have cemented the double thick pork steak into my weekly trip to the butchers.

  • Got to sleep about 6am this morning, woke back up at 9 feeling totally refreshed. No doubt this will not last.

    Our next door neighbour seems to be moving out, we've known it was going to happen for a while but had no idea exactly when. The entire population of our small town seems to have known though, as they're all congregating on her drive sharing stories of her late husband and wishing her well.

    Slightly dreading a knock at the door for her to say goodbye as I don't know her particularly well whereas husband has known her for about 15 years, and I'm socially awkward at best. He'll be gutted he missed her going, but such is life.

    Today is my last full day of home alone antics so I'm swanning around in a freshly sewn skirt (which still needs hemming but shh this is totally fine) trying to do the absolute bare minimum amount of work that won't get future me in trouble, so I can then skive off this afternoon and make the most of it. The top that goes with this skirt isn't going to sew itself!

    • Yeah, that's super awkward. "Hey so, say goodbye to the person I've known longer who lives here with you."? I guess you could be extra sleepy from your 6-9 and entirely miss the antics of their farewell congregation.

      If nothing else you could always just pretend you didn't notice 😂

  • Both kids have their sports day. Smallest in the morning, biggest in the afternoon. I must be a bad parent because... urgh... really? When I was young, parents never went to school sports days. Wtf happened? So that's my day. Standing around waiting for the 20 second bursts when my child does something in between inevitable rain showers. I'll have to seek out my camping chair and prepare a flask of strong coffee.