A lawsuit filed by the ACLU of Indiana challenges a new law that prohibits citizens from being within 25 feet of law enforcement officers.
A lawsuit filed in federal court by the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana on Tuesday challenges a new state law that prohibits citizens from being within 25 feet of law enforcement officers.
The law, which went into effect on July 1, is called a violation of constitutional rights by the ACLU, which claims that citizens have a right to “observe and record the police.”
Wait WTF how does that work..now these fuckers can arrest you for just being in their presences of a cop. Wow this is fucked up. Who come up with this law and before you answer it some asshat with R by their name.
So they absolutely can arrest you for being in their presence; the minor caveat is that you have to be ordered to stop first, so you have some warning. What a fucked up bill.
The asshats by name (see iga link above, this is public information):
Representative Wendy McNamara
Republican, District 76
Representative Michael Karickhoff
Republican, District 30
Representative Jim Pressel
Republican, District 20
Representative Steve Bartels
Republican, District 74
Wow a lot of fucking Republicans who want to give cops full authority over the populalist. Wonder why? Must be worried about upheaval because they making the place a shit hole to live in?
So they absolutely can arrest you for being in their presence; the minor caveat is that you have to be ordered to stop first, so you have some warning.
In practice, there won't be warnings. They'll say, out of the blue, "I told you to move away," and then arrest everyone in the vicinity.
Also, how does this bill treat cops approaching you? For example, even if the cops do give warning, what if they continuously walk towards the person warned? I think this law is ripe for abuse by cops, who famously love to abuse.
I can see that going really well.
"Step back! 25 feet!"
"You're walking towards me. I'm just standing here.
"I said Step Back!" Discharges Taser while continuing to close distance