Why is there a chinese flag? Since when is china based? Also i dont know half of the flags. Really love when a hater goes so deep into research that they know more about the subject than me -_-
LGBT, Soviet Union, Black Power;
Antifasciste Aktion, Transgender, Fake PornHub Pronouns;
Extinction Rebellion, Another Soviet Union (maybe supposed to be China, but incorrect), and finally… the flag of the Union of Paramedics?
I wonder where teachers find the time to overthrow the world order when they are busy; preparing for tests, homework, their 2nd job, running from school shooters, and apparently not teaching pronouns, while simultaneously teaching english. All this with an empty library.
TBH, I kinda see the point of being so protective over the Red Cross. It's meant to be used to mark medics in a war, so not allowing it to be used frivolously removes any excuse from any party commiting war crimes.
Not that anyone cares about not commiting war crimes.
I want to say that I came to the comments... a bit nervous after seeing that wacky strip. Sooo happy to see everyone feeling the same way. Trans hate is ridiculous... thought that years ago and now that my kid has come out as trans I'm more ally than ever! Just let people be people dag nabit!
Aw, super cool class run by a Saxhleel? Kids have it great these days! I'm envious, though I did have some pretty cool teachers eventually. I don't think they taught me about transness or the need to fight fascism at all times and in all forms, though. Nor, uh... PronounHub??