Article is wrong in the opening paragraph:
"[Nuclear has] mining lung cancer, and waste risks. Clean, renewables avoid all such risks." As well all know, There is no mining involved in the manufacturing of solar panels or wind turbines, and certainly not in batteries.
Any anti-nuclear piece that mentions mining as a downside of nuclear power is being intentionally dishonest (Spoiler alert human activity in a non-agrarian society requires mining.)
The next issue is the cost argument. We need to get over this idea that cost matters if our goal is environmentalism. No matter what we do, it will cost money and it will cost more money then what we are currently doing. If it didn't cost more money, (and people weren't currently profiting off the status quo so that they can push articles like this), we would already be doing the things described in the article. But instead we have Germany that used to meet something like 28% of it's national energy needs with nuclear, now building coal plants and strip mining old growth forest.
If the choice is between nuclear and coal, and you pull a Germany, you are 100% wrong.
For non-germans, the choice is never between nuclear and wind/solar, it's between Nuclear and Fossil Fuels. And nuclear will always be the greener technology and should always be preferred by environmentalists.