The search volume and ads do not justify the help for the greater good IMO.
It fucks Reddit more over to use an adblocker and DDOS their servers to reduce the traffic.
They won't come here... They'll go wherever they can to solve the problem, which won't be here because Lemmy doesn't really show up in search results yet
Same. I'm not gonna make the internet worse to use because I've now left the product. As a user, it's frustrating when I need help with some niche issue and find the perfect result on google, only for it to be deleted or otherwise useless. Deleting such history isn't gonna make people want to use Lemmy or the likes. Such historical information doesn't and will not exist on Lemmy. Deleting it doesn't push people to an alternative. It just means it's gone.
I'm not gonna cut off the collective internet's nose to spite Reddit's face.
Doesn't fully delete. I was still able to find old comments. It gets rid of most. Also reddit is known to restore deleted posts and comments now. Week after I deleted everything was restored automatically.
Actual unethical but nuclear LPT:
Just post a video of something cruel or with shock value you found online^(or do it yourself...I won't judge). IMO not so different than racist stuff
create outrage
profit (and get banned)
Edit: I do not condone animal cruelty.
Edit2: In essence: Post something bad on Reddit to get the attention from Admins to get banned site wide. That should hide your comments from anywhere your username is related to.
Just don't post something to bad, so that it will be reported to the authorities.
People were saying see you in a week like this was only an API issue and not that the site became incredibly toxic and infested by bots and low quality content
Ill pop in maybe monthly to make sure my stuff stays deleted/edited and Ill check in on /r/all...its a shit show, who is entertaining this? Its karma farming or garbage across the board. Lemmy is super young but it feels like reddit a decade ago. Ill gladly deal with its shortcomings to not deal with whatever reddit turned into.
Deleted my 10 year account with hundreds of posts and thousands of comments. I have to admit, leaving reddit has created a sort of vacuum in my life, and I have been spending more time scrolling on facebook, news sites and other shitty services. I'm happy to finally have landed on lemmy, but it has been a bit bumpy with the instability on
Lemmy is getting there but it's still not a great replacement, especially when it comes to niche topics. For example, the Venture Bros movie came out recently and I wanted to discuss it with other fans, but there's no place on lemmy for that; or if there is, I have been unable to find it. Meanwhile the Venture Bros subreddit has 3 different megathreads. I'm keeping my reddit account around for things like that until lemmy grows a bit more.
Yeah I filled that vacuum by learning how to solve a Rubiks cube, and now I'm trying to do it faster. Sync for Lemmy came out and felt just like Sync for Reddit and I was a bit worried I'd fall back into my old ways, which I kind of am tbh, I just have to make sure I'm not on Lemmy as much as Reddit somehow.
Ignore /c/all and be selective about the communities you subscribe to. In addition to other unfortunate browsing behaviours I also started lifting weights and climbing, so something good came out of it 😄
I left mine because there's lots of good info out there that will help people some day, but I'm done posting anymore on there. All my new comments go here.
I actually would recommend deleting. Whatever commercialized AI reddit has cooking up is just going to be trained on your words and information, if it hasn't already happened.
They'll just use archived versions instead then. It's not like you have even a smidge of a chance to find out, so who cares about legal issues or or your right for privacy.
I propose that a new subreddit be created where you post something like "please ban me" and then people who visit will go and report you for sexual abusive and hate speech so you can get your account locked and banned site wide. Maybe there's already a thing like that?
Find some old threads that you commented on years ago; chances are that a good portion of them are still there. Your reddit history doesn't show everything, and AFAIK there are no tools available that can effectively eliminate every single post you've ever made, unless of course you simply didn't make many comments and posts to begin with.
Request a GDPR export and you will get your entire comment history. There are tools that can read that history and delete all the comments. I did encounter errors deleting a small number of comments which may have been due to the subs being privated. I deleted the problem ones from the json and the rest got deleted. I manually checked a sample of the 12 years of comments to confirm the accessible ones were being deleted.
Delete your account, look again in 3 months to see if account is gone.
If not request deletion via email amd if not followed by a satisfactory action, file a gdpr complaint. That will fuck them over a bit.
I feel ya. I'm never logged in to Reddit anymore and if a search result pointe to Reddit I always go in incognito.
I will eventually batch edit my posts to crap and delete my account but it's an old account with 10 years of experiences, Aha-moments and other feelings... So I'm not ready yet....
If you just posted nonsense and useless stuff like memes without a real value sure go ahead.
IMO it's like burning a library of useful knowledge regardless of it's content. The amount of advice in casual conversations is IMO more important than "giving the finger" to Reddit.
My request if you really do it: Please archive useful advice threads on so some can at least take advantage while not having to visit reddit itself.
I like Lemmy a lot more than reddit but not having the sports communities over here really kills the usefulness for me. My main use on reddit is talking baseball/football/hockey/soccer/basketball and the sports world just isn't over here.
It is crazy how quickly I saw that reddit is an actual defilement to the social process.
I kept getting booted out of using RES and old.r and how it wants to control the comments and everything ... I don't know. I'm happy that these federated systems are here. And I have looked at my next months budget to split donation to the cause.
Please have pledge drives right after upgrades or right after we have a big outage. Seems like that would be a great time to push for us to compensate the drivers of this public space.
The Reddit community is a confusing one. deleted posts, a red hammer down the community is gone. I've deleted a couple of accounts. It's really a community that takes time to run...