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  • My grandma would say "he can put his boots at the foot of my bed." My grandma had the hots for lots of younger country singers.

  • When he wanted to remind us to turn off lights, he'd yell "save electrodes!"

    When he was splitting wood with the "kabunger" (splitting maul) he'd yell "katabuungie!" When he swung.

    When he'd drop wood on his toe he'd yell "GOTDAMMITSONOFAremovedGRAAH"

  • Anything bad happens:


    He was never in a metal band that I'm aware of.

  • My grandfather would say “Is your daddy a glassmaker?” And when we’d inevitably say no, “Then get from in front the tv!” Meaning we were in his way, as children tend to be lol. Me and husband use this all the time with each other.

  • My maternal grandfather said "By Jove" a lot.

    My paternal grandfather had a lot of sayings: "here's me head, me arse is coming", "she walks with a bit of a run", etc - typing them out a lot had to do with the way people walked. There are more though.

  • When doing stuff, my grandfather would sometimes say:

    "Even small things help", said the fly, and she pissed into the sea.

    Always made me laugh.

  • My Pop, whenever he was asked where something was: "It's in Annie's room, behind the clock." There was no Annie in our family, nor a bedroom with a clock you could put things behind.

    Also my Pop whenever asked what something was: "It's a wig-wam for a goose's bridle."

    These may not be iconic to anyone else, but they are sure as hell iconic in family lore, and us grand-kids are making sure we pass it down as much as we can.

  • My grandpa was german. In german, jetztwhich in english would be pronounced something like “yetst”, means “now”. His whole life he would use “yet” in place of where an english-native speaker would say “now”, and i always thought that was adorable.