Give feedback for redesign post actionbar
Give feedback for redesign post actionbar
Overview of the changes, can't open this one yet in Jerboa
Added 3 modes for the post action bar
Long form
Short lefthand form
Short righthand form
Doug [he/him] I like short right hand myself. Keeps important buttons in thumb reach for ever increasingly larger screens
6 0 Replysasha True.
3 0 Reply
Nice options! As a right-handed person I'd gladly pick the short righthand form
3 0 ReplyKasimirDD Am I the only right-handed one who uses the left to browse? I mean - I need my right for everything else ...
So I prefer the 1st version. :)
2 0 Reply
The second one feels awkward, because the icons just stop in the middle.
I'm not sure between the first and the third... maybe I slightly prefer the third.
3 0 ReplyMV [Jerboa dev] OP It kinda does but it looks better if you have downvote disabled and scores hidden.
Maybe the comments should move all the way to the right?
1 0 Reply
kekvrose The long and the short right-hand feel ike good options. From there it's a question on how you hold your phone (I'm partial to the long form myself)
2 0 Replysouthsamurai
I like the long form tbh. It's visually balanced and I tend to use lemmy via tablet the most, so I have both hands involved as default.
1 0 Reply