Another group within Germany's security structures has been found to be inclined toward Nazi imagery. Recklinghausen officials are concerned by this incident, the second in recent months.
Ok, you know different cops "over here". In Hannover they're mostly on the simple side, more spoons in the knife drawer, candles in a lamp shop. No boookz, more harassing homeless folks or kicking teenagers. Educa-what? All in all - despicable group of people. That's not an opinion, that's an observation over decades btw. So - it fits and doesn't surprise at all.
Eh, I don't think "power corrupts" applies mostly in these situations. That would imply these cops weren't racists or pedos until they joined the force and got that power.
In these cases I think it's more that these bad people, racists and pedos, seek out the positions of power that are available to them - law enforcement positions.
But yeah I totally agree law enforcement has a problem of being extremely far right. If it is, which it is known, then people with similar ideologies will flock to those positions even more.
Prosecutors in Germany have uncovered illegal content including Nazi symbols in chat messages involving five officers from three different police districts.
The five men, aged 22 and 25, are suspected to have exchanged Nazi symbols in chats and possessed child pornography during their training, according to Annette Milk, the chief public prosecutor investigating the case.
Nevertheless, the allegations are so serious that after examining each individual case, I immediately banned the three officers from conducting official business," Friederike Zurhausen, the police chief of Recklinghausen, said in a statement.
“Young civil servants, like older ones, must stand up for justice, law and the values of our constitution without a shadow of a doubt,” he continued.
Several far-right terror attacks in 2019 and early 2020 prompted German authorities to warn of escalating extremism, which led to these hate-speech laws being tightened last year.
According to the latest ministry information from the end of July, the North Rhine-Westphalian police have suspended or penalised 105 incidents of right-wing extremist behavior over the past six years.
why? People in position of power such as clergy, teachers, politicians, celebrities and wealthy in general are always the ones getting caught... after decades of abuse many times.
Until we admit who are the key groups doing the abuse, nothing will change. If we can't put clergy in prison for it, our society has not dealt with any of these issues imho. When you have clergy across countries doing it, it sound like a criminal organization.
Cops any many countries are also notorious for sexual assaults, which are heavily under reported.
"The allegations shocked me. In criminal law, the presumption of innocence also applies here. Nevertheless, the allegations are so serious that after examining each individual case, I immediately banned the three officers from conducting official business," Friederike Zurhausen, the police chief of Recklinghausen, said in a statement.
I have to wonder if things like child porn among law enforcement is a sort of test to see if the others are as committed to disregarding the law. If you say nothing, you have viewed and are currently in possession of child pornography in your chats, which becomes leverage. If you report it, you are outed as a nark and will become a target.
No one is surprised. People don't join the police to serve the people, they join it to bully them. We all know the gems attracted to positions like that.
Swearing to protect is vapid symbolism that anyone can feign with ease, and the laws are rarely decided by the people subject to them. The fact that so many people trust state police is amazing once we take a step back and analyse it.
So.. how did they find this? No background information provided for this story. By the end of the article they no longer found it, it was an accusation?