I'm not sure if this is the right community or not, but I'm curious what y'all would think if they came out with a new show set in the Enterprise era. Ent is one of my favorite shows, and I always felt like we got screwed out of some really compelling TV when they ended they stopped making Trek after ENT ended. That era of humanity, the coalition of planets, the filling in of details on humanity's early relationship with the Vulcans. Plus, it has denobulans, and we need more denobulans.
So, I guess I'm just curious if I'm in the minority or not. Would any of y'all be excited if they announced a show in that era?
I mean with that attitude, we should only have shows set in the 32nd century! After all, time has moved forward, right? ;)
In all seriousness, that argument may have made sense when Enterprise came out, but now there's four seasons of characters, setting, and story, which could be expanded on as a sequel. "Prequel" depends on your frame of reference.
Ha! Fair point. Feels like with SNW and the propose Academy series we have have that era covered. I suppose there is scope for something between the TOS films and the start of TNG?
I'd really love the proposed Legacy series with the Enterprise-G, or maybe something completely new in the 25th century.
Take your point with Discovery but I reckon 800 years provides a big enough gain without having to worry about CANON.
I think a non-Starfleet show in that era might be interesting, maybe set on some freighter that is a generation or two after the ones Travis grew up on (so we do not spend months for each journey).
Honestly, that sounds like my ideal show. I've always wanted a show that gave us something outside of Starfleet, and I've also always wanted a show that showed us a little more of earth (cannot wait for a sf academy). A freighter based show could us both. Frequent trips to earth to pick up supplies, space without the protection of the military's flagship, or the protection of being an important military space station. Tight knit crew, likely family members and all the drama and story that comes with that. God, that would be an awesome show.
They had a lot of weird stuff in Enterprise. I would love if they did a show in that era that was actually about that era instead of time travel shenanigans. It would be fun to learn about how the alliances and rivalries built up, the successes and blunders and cultural clashes. From what I recall, season 4 was when they finally started looking at that stuff and by then it was too late.
Yeah. If Enterprise started with the Romulans as the villains, they could have easily kept the better episodes of the series and ramp up to the eventual Earth-Romulus War.
They wouldn't need any time travel at all except for the Borg.
I’ve heard people float the idea of a west wing style political drama where the president (often suggested as Archer) is dealing with all the problems of maintaining a young federation.
I’d think it would be a wonderful idea. I’m not sure another exploration show in that era is needed though.
I don't know about a show, but a trilogy of films during the Romulan war picking up with the Enterprise cast a few years down the line wouldn't go amiss. They can even canonise Trips fake death.
Yes, I need more ENT! The era had a unique semi-grounded scifi quality to it. But make it an animation so I don't have to hear folks repeat "no more prequels!" and "where's legacy!?" Ad nausium.
Ooh, I like the idea of animated. And I don't understand prequel hate. I love a good prequel. I'd also love ST legacy. But we're all on streaming services now, it's not like they can't find a time slot for it. Give us all the trek! Paramount+ would make billions. Lol.
I'm in agreement that we can just have both, but I'm just thinking what's the least confrontational way to get what I want. After all 3rd rule of acquisition "don't pay more for an acquisition than you need to".
I’m with you! The show wasn’t perfect but it was cool to see a crew explore before the prime directive , stable transporters and the federation.
Tons of opportunities to explore that further.
Right? I mean, I want desperately for the events of the last episode to be retconned, but even without that, just another crew in that same era would be great. It's a time rife with opportunity.
Honestly, I'd even love a series set around the time of first contact. Zefram Cochrane, early Vulcan diplomats, humanity's first ever foray outside of our solar system... God that would be cool.
There was I think some mention in this com of a TOS reboot with SNW's spock, kirk and uhura (I think it was just the kirk actor saying he'd be down, what ever that is worth). I don't think that makes any sense at all ... TOS etc is well trodden ground.
BUT ... if any trek were to get a reboot, Enterprise would probably be the prime candidate IMO. It'd be bitter for the Enterprise crew/cast, I'm sure ... but I think many would acknowlege that that show was a missed opportunity that was also not allowed to hit its stride (everyone knows it takes 3 seasons right?). From a more "modern" perspective, leaning into the politics, maybe some of the darker corners or at least the tenuous/fragile aspects of a burgeoning civilisation/federation, as well as the difficulties of space travel when the warp drive is brand new and it's all still dangerous ... could be quite interesting and pertinent TV.