But there’s research to prove that’s not a thing. Copy-catting maybe, but you’ll never “give them the idea”. If they’re in that bad of a spot, they’re there already
-source: suicide prevention trainer, but not mental health professional
Not OP but here you go. I work with young people and have had suicide prevention training multiple times, this is a recurring mantra that not asking about it is much worse than asking.
Thanks. I wonder if this is limited to a therapeutic context and if the same is true for third party mentions of suicide. But I'll look around for that by myself.
Not the original commenter, but I know it's included in the yearly training for Army civilians and soldiers. We have to take suicide prevention training every year. I don't think the training itself sources the info though. Also I don't know if you can access the training without a CAC. In any case, they say that it is just a myth. You don't have to tiptoe around the idea of suicide. It's better to ask someone if they're thinking about it if you're truly worried that they are.
Also I don’t know if you can access the training without a CAC
Archive.org has a collection of titled "The Military Industrial PowerPoint Complex" that contains exactly what you'd think, a crapton of US Military PowerPoint files. I'm sure if you dig enough that specific training is out there, although in sure theres better places to find such infotmation too
For me, personally, it's not because it triggers suicidal ideation - I agree with the research I've seen that suggests it's not a thing, or at least not a statistically significant thing.
For me, the issue is that people who say they're suicidal get attention and sympathy
For certain emotionally immature people, attention and sympathy is their #1 goal in life
In addition, teenagers want to both be cool and different, yet be accepted by everyone. You can't NOT accept a suicidal person, because what if they suicide themselves? If you say you're suicidal, suddenly everyone HAS to be nice to you.
All of this is to say that, no, all y'all dumb motherfuckers are not actually suicidal, you're just fucking sad, edgy, and boring, and you need to quit it because you're drowning out the actual struggling people.
Every damn day I see it "waaaaah I want to dieeeeeeee" no the fuck you don't, you're just trying to sound cool. Grow up.
It's much more dangerous not to ask about suicide than to ask about it. The myth you're spreading is ridiculously dangerous and you should really stop. Just simply stating it as a matter of fact like you did is enough to keep perpetuating it. It's harmful and you should stop. You should even modify the comment as people are upvoting it and clearly believe it.
Most suicidal people just want to flirt with the idea a bit, it's better to allow them to go through that process openly so they can recover faster. For those who are serious, it's not clear that forcing them to stick around is better either IMO.
Back on reddit I was active in a psychology sub with a "no self help questions" rule. This was in place because the mods said we have no way of any kind of quality control relating the answers you might get. This is the internet, and some jerk will probably feel empowered giving harmful advice or straight up advocating pro suicide to be extra edgy. There was, however, an automod providing actual self help hotlines and websites from basically all around the world. While I tend to agree that Lemmy wouldn't be my platform of choice when it comes to actual mortal danger (like in the case of severe suicidal ideation) I feel like we could benefit from something like that over here.