If you’d told me the most upvoted comment on my profile would be about inserting my lebanese blind vegan hamster in my urethra while playing Country Roads on the kazoo with a sombrero, I wouldn’t have believed it!!!
I know this is an unpopular opinion, but that's because a good amount of the time it's true...
Relationships are a lot of work, but shouldn't be hard. If your relationship is getting so difficult that you feel the need to post your issues on the Internet to get advice from strangers, your relationship is more or less done and haven't really noticed it yet.
If it's a one off issue that you need some outside help to see another perspective, than breaking up is probably not the solution; however, if it's habitual then yeah breaking up is probably for the best.
We tend to have loss aversion and get trapped in the sunken cost fallacy with relationships and can't see that it needs to end.
That said, giving advice for a bad relationship is like seeing a person who has an addiction problem. That person needs to realize what it is, and no amount of advice can help.
I remember someone posting a asklemmy question about the "benefits of smoking" 🤦♂️
I feel bad for the person
Edit: I found the post, original post has been removed, but here's my instance's version that didn't receive the deletion request: https://reddthat.com/post/822703
yeah I have a feelong the breakup immediately meme was started by a bunch of butthurt incel/meninist/redpiller types who would do such a thing in a relationship and don't like it.
I really don't think so and I can say that from experience.
The reason I've posted about it before is because I can't afford relationship counseling or even counseling for myself. And if I go to family, it's hard for family to break away from that bias of defending you. So naturally you expect strangers to provide better advice.
That being said, yes I agree. If you're looking for advice over stuff that is habitual, it probably warrants a breakup. My issue is that r/relationshipadvice is so fucking horrible that nearly every single post the consensus is to break up, even over minor issues. That part pisses me off. And I respectfully disagree. A lot of relationships ARE hard, and it really just depends on the dynamics. That doesn't mean it has to consist of constant arguments and disagreements though.
Man, I don't even know anymore... Covid, War in Ukraine, Climate change, Upcoming 2024 Election, feels like too much has been going on. 2024 could mean the end of everything. (I'm a non-white immigrant so I'll be the first ones to be targeted if the election doesn't go well).
Hey, dude, I feel I somewhat understand you, because I was the same, and am the same. But here's something I learned a while ago that helped (obviously didn't kill it). It's by now a cliche and is totally commercialized, but hey, if it works.
Habit 1: Be Proactive: Focus and act on what you can control and influence instead of what you can’t.
There are a lot of things you can't control/have causal effects in life. You will kill yourself worrying about them. Drop the bad news you can't change. If you already know who you are going to vote for, just don't read the political news. Do you parts for the climate change and forget the rest. etc.
Can't really say it's not that bad so I'll just say that I hope that your tomorrow is slightly better than your today. Also there are a lot of people that value you as a human and want you in their community. Fascists are just louder (and more dangerous). Sending you love.
Damn… Yeah, it‘s rough.
Life is never all butterflies and rainbows, but it‘s also easy to forget that there is also much potential for good things to happen as well: Indulging in new and old hobbies, the next night out with friends, some really good food, a weekend trip to somewhere interesting and so much more. It‘s important to shift perspective from time to time. Keeping a journal for what you‘re grateful for/happy about is one technique to iron out that negativity bias a bit.
Note that this is not the be all and end all solution for keeping all depressing thoughts at bay. If it‘s still a problem, please seek professional help.
Take heart. America, like all developed nations, can’t live without immigrants to counteract its declining birth rate. If you live in fear that all immigrants will be expunged, you can relax.
Meanwhile women have already been targeted and shot at and hit because one of the last elections didn’t go well. Gay and trans people are being erased from places like a Florida and Texas right now.
Turn that anxiety into volunteer hours registering voters, or helping women access critical healthcare.
Idk if it helps but a friend of mine has similar problems with depression because of the world going to shit. (Even though here problems aren't so severe). I once showed her the Solarpunk genre/Movement and it worked (at least a bit). It let a bit of sunlight and hope in her heart and she has fallen directly in love with it in the same way I did. So maybe it helps a bit looking into it and get a bit of a hope boost.
But there’s research to prove that’s not a thing. Copy-catting maybe, but you’ll never “give them the idea”. If they’re in that bad of a spot, they’re there already
-source: suicide prevention trainer, but not mental health professional
It's much more dangerous not to ask about suicide than to ask about it. The myth you're spreading is ridiculously dangerous and you should really stop. Just simply stating it as a matter of fact like you did is enough to keep perpetuating it. It's harmful and you should stop. You should even modify the comment as people are upvoting it and clearly believe it.
Most suicidal people just want to flirt with the idea a bit, it's better to allow them to go through that process openly so they can recover faster. For those who are serious, it's not clear that forcing them to stick around is better either IMO.
Back on reddit I was active in a psychology sub with a "no self help questions" rule. This was in place because the mods said we have no way of any kind of quality control relating the answers you might get. This is the internet, and some jerk will probably feel empowered giving harmful advice or straight up advocating pro suicide to be extra edgy. There was, however, an automod providing actual self help hotlines and websites from basically all around the world. While I tend to agree that Lemmy wouldn't be my platform of choice when it comes to actual mortal danger (like in the case of severe suicidal ideation) I feel like we could benefit from something like that over here.
In a way it's understandable, people who are drawn to this community might be quite vulnerable to mention of suicide.
Then again, some of them may need a space to discuss their suicidal thoughts.
There's no easy answer to this problem. Blurr suicide related posts in feeds maybe? Not ideal still.
I agree, and while I'm not in a position to run a community myself, it would be really great to have spaces here like r/PsychotherapyLeftists and r/MutualSupport where there is a supportive community with an understanding of how oppression and the world becoming more dystopic every day impacts our mental health
Meanwhile, and I hate to link to reddit (plus the site crashes every time I open it) but these resources might be helpful:
To add to the good point argv made, far too many therapists (and other healthcare professionals) on both sides of mainstream politics believe that it's all down to personal responsibility and refuse to address the systemic issues we face for what they are - massively oppressive and entirely beyond our control.
It's unfortunately what you get when the medical institution is as bias and even bigoted as the rest of society. :/
The right wing's entire ideology is “fuck you, I don't care whether you live or die”, and they're firmly in favor of the various forms of oppression that drive people to suicide in the first place, so yeah, taking mental health advice from a rightist isn't the best idea.
Do you think that would actually improve anyone’s mental health? Seems like it would become an echo chamber of complaint where absolutely everything in the world, including running out of toilet paper, is a classist plot to take away your humanity.