made my own black beans & rice 3 way. f\*\*king delicious!
made my own black beans & rice 3 way. f\*\*king delicious!

made my own black beans & rice 3 way. f**king delicious!
#Skylinechili #vegetarian #food
I keep seeing photos of dishes on this magazine, but without the actual recipes. We are left to guess what's in the dish. Can you provide a recipe?
1 0 ReplyJayEmPee1921 OP
1 0 ReplyJustinFTL
Thank you!!
1 0 Reply
PlasmaDistortion Uh, are you ok?
0 0 ReplyJayEmPee1921 OP
@PlasmaDistortion of course. why wouldn't I be?
1 0 Replyaperson Yeah wtf, oyster crackers?
1 0 Reply
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