saigot 45 2 Replythe_itsb (she/her) I'm turning 42 next summer and have been thinking about hosting a Towel Party; this image is going to be very helpful.
21 0 ReplyPeleSpirit What's a towel party, is it a theme and everyone just wears their best towel?
9 0 Replycloudy1999 A stranger on the Internet approves of this plan. Please provide updates. Will there be a Vogon poetry recital?
4 0 Reply
zurohki That OP, he's a really hoopy frood who knows where his towel is.
18 1 Replyelectriccars OP 11 0 ReplyDickFiasco I was really hoping I'd find this here.
2 0 Reply
Anolutheos Yet somehow the hotel towels are several times better at actually drying than my thick luxurious towels at home
14 0 Replyelscallr
Are you using fabric softener? That makes your towel less absorbent. If you're using detergent with built in softener it'll do the same.
Wash your towels with a cup of vinegar to remove the softener.
8 0 ReplyWarmSoda Should I shower with vinegar and then use my crappy home towel?
5 0 Replyuphillbothways
And/or borax in the machine with the soap. Helps a lot.
3 0 Reply
Kecessa Don't use softener
4 0 Reply
elzapp Always know where your towel is
15 1 ReplyMajinBlayze Be the kind of frood who knows where their towel is
3 1 Replythreelonmusketeers A real hoopy!
1 0 Reply
Oka When you shop for towels, don't get a towel, get a "bath sheet". They are XL towels
11 0 Replycollegefurtrader Fuck that, beach towel ftw
4 0 ReplyEmpricorn Fuck that, aircraft detailer.
3 0 Reply
db2 Stay at a better hotel then. This is like shopping at Walmart and complaining about how many people in there smell bad.
18 8 ReplyNeve8028 Ah yes just "have more disposable income". Simple advice, thanks.
30 3 ReplyWtfEvenIsExistence3️ Dissatisfied with capitalism? Just have more money! Capitalism cant legally fuck you up if you're rich.
13 2 Replydb2 You can go to a better place and pay less, but you go ahead and act superior since you clearly know what you're talking about and aren't just pulling shit out of your ass.
5 10 Reply
electriccars OP If only my company allowed me to book my own hotels while traveling for work...
7 0 Replydb2 Oh, well then yours is probably the best solution then.
2 4 Reply
rDrDr Growing up, all the towels we had at home were stolen from hotels.
9 0 Replyuphillbothways
Growing up we never went to hotels or anywhere, really. Mother stole our towels from grandma, who got them free from the grocery store on rewards points in the 70's.
6 0 Reply
Has anyone noticed hotels are also giving you less towels overall? Last hotel I stayed at I got one bathtowel, one hand towel and a washcloth. Guess If I spill anything I'll just clean it with the bath mat?
7 0 Replyradix
What else should they give you by default? Genuinely asking.
1 0 ReplyFollyDolly
Usually it's at two of everything. Especially now that housekeeping only stops by once per stay these days.
1 0 Replystate_electrician A spilltowel, you lousy poorperson.
1 0 Reply
I would love to know which god-tier cushiony towels you are using at home!
7 0 Replyryan213
Same with toilet paper ply.
6 0 ReplyWage_slave
I have had to stay in a lot of hotels and the good the bad and the disgusting, it doesn't matter.
I am bringing my own fucking towel. You can say "stay at a nicer place" all you want. but those who can afford those places, are also those who can affod to be the sickest, most perverted fuckers out there and employees that give far less a fuck's worth of care.
6 0 ReplyTheForkOfDamocles Two stories:
The last time I stayed in a Motel 6, maybe 35 years ago, the towel was practically tissue paper.
I once delivered a box of towels to the Senate Club at the Forum (back when the Lakers played there), and wow did I ever see how the wealthy live! Those were the biggest, most luxurious towels I’ve ever felt.
5 0 ReplyBigPapaE Opposite for me haha. Some of those hotel towels put in work
4 0 Replyenki This, but my pillow. Since I learned how amazing latex foam pillows are, I've had a hard time sleeping on regular pillows ever since.
4 0 Replyveroxii Nice hotels have a pillow menu.
3 0 Replybighatchester A towel menu ?!?!? I feel like I've only used 2 types of towels before . Walmart towels and hotel towels . And I guess beach towels .
1 0 Reply
Altima NEO
Also the idea of a used pillow
2 0 Reply
Iris Why are they heavy tho? I have a much thicker towel at home but it's much lighter than hotel's.
4 0 ReplyAltima NEO
All the stale cum
6 0 Reply
Imgonnatrythis TF you mean sometimes? Haven't you read the manual?
3 0 Replycallyral
I think you're supposed to bring your towel
3 0 Replyargv_minus_one You and your hotel both use books as towels?
2 0 Replyelectriccars OP Yes
2 0 Reply
collegefurtrader robocall
This is how I feel about pillows
2 0 Reply