Anyone else getting a JSON Error trying to post?
Anyone else getting a JSON Error trying to post?
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
Anyone else getting this when trying to link an external file?
nsfwmind Yes I've been unable to post anything this week. Both Firefox on Mac and Safari on iOS.
3 0 Replyrustling_leaves Use dev tools in your browser to look at the actual error message
In my case it was because of the file size, under 1MB seems to be working
3 0 ReplySophisticatedButEvilCat
Yes and when trying to login in different browsers than Firefox.
2 0 Replysnowportal
Yeah. Was trying to upload image post and got error. It worked using a different image host.
Edit: Looks like someone opened an issue ticket on github
2 0 ReplyFilth OP
Looks like a fix is mentioned in there as well just not sure if it applies to us or not.
1 0 Reply
For me, it seems random regardless of Opera or Firefox browser (but posting seems to work OK if I post images less than 1MB - just a guess as I haven't really tested the limits). I usually do direct image uploads to Lemmy rather than external URL links.
Update: 1mb file size is the limit that determines w!Heather you get the error or not.
2 0 ReplySophisticatedButEvilCat
It seems to work in Chromium, and when it fucks up in chromium you can delete the data of the app (cache) or reset to default and then it seems to work again.
1 0 ReplyTriple Underscore It's likely a caching issue considering how random it seems to be. Do a CTRL+F5 and try again.
1 0 Replyscabrous_leper YEP
1 0 ReplyPlushySD I was using the Vivaldi browser and got the error also. If the image is smaller than 1 megabyte, it got through tho.
1 0 ReplyMikey Mongol
I'm getting this on chrome on my Android phone, but not desktop.
1 0 Replychavposting Getting this when trying to log in on Firefox.
No issues on Chrome.
1 0 Reply