And after choosing not to use them, you might need to convert them to something else sometimes. You gonna tell me Europeans never travel to America as tourists? This is a fascinating and easy to remember method for them or anyone else.
You came to the right thread for shitting on Americans, obviously, but you chose the wrong place for this condescending comment.
Youβ¦ shouldnβt? Unless you travel here as a tourist, as many do. This is converting FROM miles. I donβt understand why anyone would pick this place to shit on people who use miles. This comment offers a way out of using miles.
This is weird. I constantly see posts about how America is bad from Europeans. I don't think I've ever seen one the other way around. Who is thinking about who all the time?
Mostly Europeans amuse themselves about how Americans think they're living in a first world country while having absolute basic developed-world-shit just flat out fail. I.e. health care, consumer regulation, public transit, education, clean water. Sure the US is not uniform but it's a single country. Even Europe has it's own problems but most countries have this stuff figured out more or less.
The reason Europeans mock Americans is because Americans always ALWAYS complain about how they're getting fucked. And Europeans are just like "lol that shit ain't an issue here". Which a) contributes to Europeans thinking the US is a shithole and b) making Americans seem kinda whiny.
Football fields are a stupid measurement in more than one way, because you can not just measure the width or the length, but football fields can be of varying sizes too.
It was a joke about we how Americans will use any measurement except the metric system. I'm sorry.
Also this never fails to make me smile.
"In metric, one milliliter of water occupies one cubic centimeter, weighs one gram, and requires one calorie of energy to heat up by one degree centigradeβwhich is 1 percent of the difference between its freezing point and its boiling point. An amount of hydrogen weighing the same amount has exactly one mole of atoms in it. Whereas in the American system, the answer to βHow much energy does it take to boil a room-temperature gallon of water?β is βGo fuck yourself,β because you canβt directly relate any of those quantities" -- Josh Bazell
We donβt know what those numbers mean with your communist commas. A decimal point (period) is the only real way to delimit unit from fractional units
I felt like a stupid lazy American, but I admit I was relieved last week when our vacation in Canada, which was otherwise wonderful, ended so I could figure out speed and distance again in the units of measurements I know.
Although it didn't help that Toyota decided to not include a 'show speed in metric units' option in my Prius for some bizarre reason. They did in other models, just not the model I have.
Lol. My bad for using something besides the random, meaningless lol or lmao that literally everyone else uses. Are we actually arguing about this? What a dumb fucking point to make. I used language to convey a message that dictates that I am not laughing for comedic effect, I am laughing to breeze off the fact that what you said is blatantly full of shit, something that lol probably wouldn't be appropriate for. You wouldn't know that though, it is clear you don't get much human interaction at all considering the fact you though welfare queens were not a real thing.
Good on you to assume the races of someone gaming the welfare system! I already know which of the nearly identical parties you worship are! FYI, One is black, two are white. I live in a city, a blue one, one that has been blue for about, idk, 70 years? What happened to "welfare queens don't exist"? You sure seem to not know jack shit about how the world works considering just how confidently incorrect you were!
Also, I don't appreciate you assuming I'd do something so grossly absentminded as supporting any bipartisan effort you dumb fucking disgusting fascist piece of shit.
Supporting democratic or republican efforts is supporting the death of the US in the name of money, moneymoneymoneymoneymoney, but thanks for bringing politics into dankmemes! You clearly have nothing better to back your claim, so you fell back on politics, just like everyone else with no life!
Yes, everyone is quite jealous of the country ranked 40th on the freedom index, classified as a βflawed democracyβ with βsatisfactoryβ press freedoms.