I ordered this on a whim and got a cheap set of keycaps off Amazon for it, but now that I have it put together (plastic switch plate, tape modded, gateron cap golden yellows, double o-ringed keycaps) it is sounding and feeling really good. The keycaps were a cheap but they are bright and fun. I might make it my "throw in a bag and take into the office" keyboard.
I suppose splitting them puts leas strain on your wrists. I find with my preonic that my wrists are angled in, but I suppose thats the same as any keyboard. Not sure what this key layout is though.
Slightly better ergonomics, mostly. Kinda forces you into better typing habits overall also since its harder to be tempted to reach too far with one hand to hit the keys the other hand is responsible for.
Haha its actually a Neon Genesis Evangelion themed keycap set so the additional keycaps are icons of the angels. I have them wired up to Vim and AutoHotkey shortcuts.
It's mostly a copy of my 34 key layout so the thumb keys are shift - space - enter - layer. Having the spacebar would throw that off. I was tempted but in the end I didn't want to lose a key on the top three rows for "enter".
I use a Planck for my travel keyboard. The circuit board and the plate are a little wobbly after having it for 3 years now, which is a little annoying but doesn’t affect the function of the board.
I can just feel things moving around when I pick up the board.
I opened the case and checked out the circuit board itself, but the wobbliness was something I couldnt do anything about.