Every time I see those letters I think about the fact that I spent years not realizing that the movie Welcome to GATACA is a gene sequence.
3 0 ReplyAevumDecessus
... And now this is a thing you have just taught me.
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3 0 Replydmention7 Near idea! Have you considered making the "backbone" interfaces at a slight angle so that several base pairs begin to form a helix?
Or maybe a slightly spherical ball & socket connection to allow them to be twisted?
2 0 Replyhuginn Yeah most printers should be able to handle small overhang angles like 35 degrees no sweat.
I bet you could get a decent double helix with that kind of angle.
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fsniper What about Repeats of CAG..
2 0 ReplyCombatWombatEsq I dunno much about nucleotide chains, but I'm really invested in the SNP rs1006737 in the gene CACNA1C:
Seeing the difference in the two nucleotide chains between the disordered personality and a "normal" personality (that's a gross oversimplification, I know) would be meaningful to me personally, at least.
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