Just check their comment history for like 30 seconds. Everyone makes a joke that misses the mark every now and then, but the shittiest people usually constantly spew their nonsense.
Definitely do. Sometimes it's the only way to know whether someone just had one bad take, or if they're genuinely awful and not worth your time to reply to
Is it history? 400 years of Asian/African colonialism
Privilege? Amazon, any official manufacturer site and PayPal don't work here. We just got Google Pay and Apple Pay.
Slavery? The word slave originates from the word Slav and we had nothing to do with colonialism.
I'm a white European and I am way less privileged than any US minority, technically we Slavs are also POC in the US.
So I technically can't punch down on Americans. These kinds of things are dumb since you can't know someone's ethnicity, race, sex, country, etc. online.
The shit posters drive a wedge in a community and the people who don't like the "innocent" jokes leave. This makes fertile ground for ideological take over. Rinse and repeat in Fandoms, subreddits, message boards, etc.
Alternatively, the people who are so brittle that shit-posting causes them to somehow turn on half of the community were always going to volatile puritans.
Except it's not so black and white. Crude jokes can be funny and unfunny. Shit-posting is one thing but offensive jokes just often repeat themselves and I can understand wanting something new every now and then.
Respectfully mention that it's kinda insensitive, kinda like, "hey man, don't you think that's kinda insensitive?" and you'll probably figure out fairly quickly which one is the answer. Additionally, if they legit don't know why it's insensitive, then you can educate them!
Just remember that tone can be difficult to convey on the internet, and sometimes you have to exaggerate the intended tone for it to be understood. Additionally, in my experience, asking the question from the other person's perspective ("don't you think that's kinda insensitive" vs "I think that's kinda insensitive") seems to help a lot.
Yeah, no. The Internet isn't meant to be a safe space for bigots. They're free to post and everyone else is free to chase them back under the rock where they belong.
My brother in Christ, you are conflating free speech with the freedom from consequences. You are free to express your opinions. You will not be arrested for that. You can use the internet however you wish to express whatever opinions you have, no matter how stupid or hateful they are.
However, if your opinion sucks, the community will "deal with it" by down voting your dumb ass, and if you piss enough people off, you'll get banned. Your rights have not been infringed. You're just an asshole and people don't want to listen to you anymore. You can freely go complain about it somewhere else.
I'm sure there is a community on the Internet that would welcome your shitty opinions into their little echo chamber. Go there if you don't like it here. Or, as you say: "deal with it".
People have the right to say what they want (at least in the US, mostly), which includes people voicing their disagreement with stuff. It's a two-way street and we're better off with it that way. You can't force someone to listen to you, just like someone can't force you to listen to them.
What you can do, however, is attempt to educate people if they're willing to be educated. If successful in doing so, you help decrease the amount of bigotry that exists. In my opinion, attempting to engage with an individual to determine their intent is a way of dealing with it. Why stay silent when you could help make the world a better place?
Hey, leave rednecks out of it, the real ones mostly whant to be left alone and the more political ones are just syndicalist and pro workers rights. The nazi ones are city dwellers that own small dick energy trucks.
My days on the Opie and Anthony reddit has given me good tone reading.
Fun racism and non fun racism. If it's ugly in tone they're racist. Remember Patrice or maybe Louis ck joking about how "jew" is both the normal term for Jewish people and the slur depending on the tone of how you say it. Reminds me of that but harder to tell with text.
I miss his FX show. He's a great comedian. Glad he came out and apologized and even made fun of himself a bit. I don't believe in eternal damnation of public figures like that unless people get physically harmed.
I never understood the backlash on this one. He had their consent, and he wasn't even their boss or anything. He was also younger and not as famous. Asking coworkers for sexual stuff is weird af, but is about it. They consented, so I guess he read the room correctly back then.
Oh man. That subreddit was a fucking trip. I followed it for a while, and couldn't believe how the hosts would interact with them. Some absolute crazy people on that sub
Well, Nazi existed before the internet and would exist without it. They didn’t wait for the internet to enable themselves. There can’t be zero downside for having a 100% free platform, I do agree.
Nah. Your definition of a Nazi is just anyone right of Mao. This place seems to be where the tankies went after getting banned from Reddit for encouraging violence toward people who don’t want to slob on government’s massive boot.
What is marvellous about stupidity and shady morals is that they’re not exclusive to one political colour.
I guess you might be from the US : talking as there is just "the" left and "the" right without nuances and censoring words. I believe it’s something cultural.
The probability of encountering a "non-extremist" right-winger is exactly the same as of encountering a "non-extremist" left-winger and is quite small. The vast majority of people are moderates, either left or right leaning.
Also, from the European perspective, the American left aka Democrats are quite right leaning :)
Left extremism: everyone should be treated with dignity and we should live in an actual democracy or concensus based society(as opposed to bourgeois democracy which is empirically an oligarchy), and we shouldn't be unwilling to use violence toward those goals(except some are radical pacifists)
Right Extremists: women should be forced to sleep with me and minorities should be gassed or used for slave labor. Also I should be exploited by my boss harder.
Enlightened centrist: I cannot tell the difference between these two things
Honestly tells us more about "centrists" than anything else.
The "extremist" part of Right wing "extremist" is meaningless. All reactionary politics are extreme, whether they take the active form of stochastic terror or they take the passive form of social murder (as defined by Engels in 1845, see below). The plausible deniability employed by reactionaries as camouflage among jokes is extremely transparent to anyone familiar enough with it.
Sarcasm is no fun if everyone get's it and I genuinely hate /s tbh. It kinda established that you're always serious when you don't use it and deserves to die.
This is why I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. I’d rather look naive than make uptight assumptions. Plus, I’m a reddit refugee, and I’ve HAD IT with pedants and the rampant holier-than-thou crap.