I have recently jumped head first into the Linux space. I've installed Arch on my daily driver and I've become overwhelmed/overjoyed with my options. I'd like to hear from the community about your Linux favorites.
What is your favorite Terminal Emulator and what have you done to customize it?
Second, gotta love the new rust based tools and apps getting developed. Although I've seen some weird formatting issues on windows. Linux version is solid though.
I like how the +1 of OG Reddit made it to Lemmy, but without the downvote hate of current Reddit. I've always seen those comments as more than just an upvote. An upvote can be a "+1", but also a "thank you for your contribution". A +1 is only a +1.
I don't do much customizing at the terminal. Currently I use alacritty, terminator, and st. Every few years I go through a searching-for-the-perfect-terminal and get frustrated at various shortcomings.
I personally use Tilda... because it allows me to drop it down using just the ` key, and the background transparency actually works (unlike Yakuake) on my distro.
I second kitty. I switched from urxvt to konsole to get support for ligatures. Then I switched to kitty because it also has ligatures, it's faster than konsole, and it's easier to configure with version-controlled files.
I don't do very much customization: font, line spacing, color scheme, and a couple of custom key bindings.
Used to be termite for its minimalist feature. Now that it's gone I move on to Wezterm. Occasionally I use alacrity to connect to armbian nodes because it can't recognize wezterm. I hate kitty, not because of the terminal itself, but the dev. There is a snarky comment at github issue made by kitty's dev when people request for a termite-like feature. It drove me to uninstall kitty straight away.
I'm using Tilix right now, mostly because it's the best of the very few that support touch scrolling. Since I'm using my Surface Pro as a tablet a lot of the time that's an important feature to me.
Gnome Terminal when I'm in GNOME, Konsole when I'm in KDE, and plain old xterm for i3 and any other WM. These just feel like they fit just right into their respective DE/WM.
I love it for its simplicity but unfortunately some fonts like Fira Code are weirdly buggy on font size 11. Still a very pretty and just werks™ terminal for basic usage so I kept using it with a changed font lol
Urxvt, slight colorscheme changes to make background dark gray and foreground - light gray. alacritty might be "blazingly fast" but in my experience if terminal is slowing you down - you are doing something wrong. On the other hand urxvt uses 20 times less memory.
I'm using Alacritty. It's fast, it includes a Vi mode within its viewport/scrollback and it is highly customizable if you want to. But I haven't customized it much to be honest, since I mostly go straight into tmux, vim or ranger.
when individual characters join together. it is defined in the font. such as fi or ff in writing, or => forming an arrow, or >= looking like the mathematical form. often using when coding, to make multi-character operators look nicer.
ligatures are when you join two or more glyphs into a single one. For instance, instead of having the two characters = and > to form => if you had ligature support you would see ⇒. Some terminals have support to recognize sequences like => (and others obviously) and turn them into their corresponding ligatures (only for display though, the actual file contents remain umchanged)
st from suckless all the way. Used it a couple of years now in conjunction with i3. I'm spawning a lot of terminals, doing a few commands and closing them often, so starting quick is a must.
Wrote a small patch that allows me to copy current directory from a terminal instance to primary selection with a keybinding. That allows me to quickly navigate to whatever directory that would be in another terminal or application.
When I am on Hyprland I use foot. It is fast and well configurable.
My fallback is Gnome and inside I use the new kgx aka Console. I like that it shows in the window decoration's color when I'm working remotely or as super user.
I'm pretty happy with "Console" myself. It works exactly like I expect it to, and it's new look is pretty clean. I thought "Terminal" was fine too. I use dozens of terminals a day when working, but I suppose I'm not enough of a power user to care to configure them. :)
I don't really have a preference for a specific TE. As long as the default background is black. And not something close to black but not quite. And as long as Ctrl-Shift-V is paste.
On regular desktop environments I really like Guake - it’s a drop down terminal emulator similar to how old games used to do it. It’s nice for quick use here and there.
Though these days I just run tilling wm with xfce-terminal. It gets the job done and still looks good.
Omg. I thought I might read the whole comment list and not see anyone else using guake. I was starting to think something was wrong with it. I've used it for years, and for my very simple needs, it just works. And I like that it's always there when I need it, hides away when I don't.
I've used xterm, rxvt, kitty, and now alacritty. I like alacritty because it's fast and simple. The only thing I don't like is that the default color scheme is off. If you run tmux in something like xterm, the bar is green. But in the default alacritty, it looks more yellow.
So I have this in my ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml:
I am on st as well. The externalpipe patch is the killer feature for me, it's so much more flexible than the usual URL open that's built into many other terminal emulators. xterm and urxvt had something similar too. Alacritty has an open issue for the feature.
Konsole because it does everything I need it to and naturally integrates with Dolphin, which is something I like a lot. (F4 may be my most pressed Fn key thanks to this.)
As for customization, switched from bash to fish and use some fisher plugins for added convenience, along with the Tide prompt. I still use bash for some scripts, but that's about the extent of it.
Also, I use a light theme, so feel free to crucify me.
Depends what I'm doing, where and how.
I do use tmux everywhere though but at home xfce-terminal, At work I tend to use terminator for the wonders of group control but if connecting from a windows pc i'll be on windows-terminal.
For shell I try to use zsh everywhere with p10k and omz.
Konsole and gnome shell, super lame but I haven't had any trouble with them. Ftlog mintty on windows since it comes with git. I have a terrible time with the windows console
Started using Kona Ike dice it’s what came by default with KDE. Tried kitty, alacritty, foot (I think that was the name, on Wayland) and iterm2 on Mac… and came back to konsole in KDE and terminal.app in Mac.
Truth is I just need a simple terminal. Kitty and Alacritty and other terminals continuously had me in that’s-not-the-right-way, configuring terminal colors through ssh, or tmux compatability (kitty even says that you shouldn’t use tmux, and screen splitting should be done at the terminal, not in the server).
At the end of the day, I use whatever is installed where I work. So far, all “default” terminals seem to be enough.
Guake and only really customized by setting infinite scroll and tweaked transparency. I jump in and out of the terminal all the time, so it's perfect for me. Plus F12 for terminal is old muscle memory from RISCOS.