22 0 ReplyNegativeLookBehind
Lol, you mean you don't sip Cris? Nerd.
35 0 ReplyIninewCrow
This explains a lot about the world we live in today
8 0 ReplyDrFistington Yeah fureal. Even Jay-Z does it
1 0 Reply
kn33 I'm assuming meant to symbolize fried food
6 0 Replydeegeese
I thought it might be a sex thing
6 0 ReplySchmidtGenetics Wouldn’t the fried food already symbolize that though?
4 0 Reply
Cid Vicious
Seems to be crisco branded oil, and not crisco vegetable shortening. Presumably for deep frying.
1 0 ReplyEmma Liv
It's for penis butt.
1 0 Reply
Holyginz I really want to know what's special about the Crisco
9 0 ReplyGrumpyDuckling You never shot up some cris?
11 0 Reply
spaffel I have a McDonalds a Shop where I can buy cigarettes and redbull in a radius of 500 meters from my home. I can’t stop because its yo easy not to
6 0 ReplyHEXN3T
Yeah, of course! The DMT pipe! The pipe you smoke DMT in to go to The Halls of Time
EDOT: I should clarify that this is the good ending and this meme is definitely not depicting the good ending
5 0 ReplyEmma Liv
2 0 ReplyZenokh 1 0 Reply