Wasn't aware of the term, but that's my mom. She learned to read before she was 3, and was reading books meant for middle school children by the the age of 4. Moved on to grown up/high school and beyond books by the time she was like 7 or 8. She's also been a life long lover of word and number games, and taught me how to count cards when I was kid. She can count cards in games with 2 and 3 decks. Got kicked out of a casino for it when she was in her 20s. Lol.
Her sisters (closest in age is 11 years older than her) taught her to read, and all of her siblings were also young readers, but none quite as young as her.
The dys effectively means disorder of. Lexic reading and writing ability. It's a disorder of reading.
In the same family you have some others. Dyscalcula is a disorder of maths ability. Dyspraxia is a disorder of motor control.
Science likes Latin based words. Because it's a dead language, the meanings don't change/drift. Most scientific language can be deconstructed this way.