Raphaël Glucksmann, a center-left member of the European Parliament, has strongly criticized President Donald Trump's radical change of US policy on the war.
I hope we can some day reach a state of politics that aren't purely performative in nature.
Where policy is made to address an issue of the contituency, not to dunk on opponents or generate media attention.
I do agree with you that politics have become mostly circus without much bread, but I'd say we should never give up on our gift of making light of the hardships.
I mean, dunk as it may be, it's a good one. I'd even go as far as calling it a sick burn and a smart jab!
Edit: plus populism is the playing field now, memes and smartass quips are how you win the base over. I'm not saying I agree with this particular way of going about things, but reality is undeniable nonetheless. We'd be wise to master the tools.
Dafuq else do you expect a random French opposition member to do? Sit there quietly and look pretty? That seems to be the leading strategy for the US Dems and also an irredeemable dereliction of duty. If you are forced into the opposition, be performative. Be loud. Be ungovernable, if necessary.
It's nice to wish for a world where a fascist regime doesn't have full control of the USA, but unfortunately we don't live in that world so please don't denigrate the work of politicians who at least are doing the bare minimum of saying something about it.
Perhaps the statue should be more of a trophy, moved from nation to nation depending on how focused that nation is on creating opportunity for the least among us, how accepting they are of the poor, tired, and broken peoples of the world, how committed they are to escalating the cause of human dignity.
Saying "written" suggests to me that you're referring to the sonnet, "The New Colossus", which was inspired by the statue the French made, but was written by an American poet, Emma Lazarus.
The French should demand payback for the military and financial aid given to the colonials from 1775 to 1783. Putin's Sock Puppet does not hold the cards for that one.