caveman joke
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show transcript solarsyrup posted: CAVEMAN DOING STANDUP: two moons ago, me daughter ask for new furs. no want mammoth or giant sloth, no, now want cheetah fur. me so tired of "fast fashion." OTHER CAVEMAN: [plays a rimshot on two coconuts and a scallop shell]
solarsyrup posted: CAVEMAN DOING STANDUP: two moons ago, me daughter ask for new furs. no want mammoth or giant sloth, no, now want cheetah fur. me so tired of "fast fashion."
OTHER CAVEMAN: [plays a rimshot on two coconuts and a scallop shell]
This is the type of shit I came to lemmy for :)))
I love this one so much
I've only been working as a programmer for 2 weeks but I'm already broken... took me a while to figure out how that's standup
if cavepeople had stand up we'd be extinct long befor the ice age