The old fuckers don’t care because they have a foot in the grave. I’m tired of these septuagenarians man I fucking hate how they sell out those younger than them because they genuinely don’t fucking care
I genuinely have never before in my life seen - or felt this level of fury at - such unbelievably feckless incompetence. It’s like every few days go by and the Smartest People in the Room at the DNC find yet another way to fail to meet fucking ANYBODY’s comically low expectations. We would get more helpful political rhetoric from a dead fish laid on the floor of the senate chambers.
Our politicians never had to be politicians. All my life they just did what the party told them. The party that plucked up the most subservient people they could to make sure donations from their corporate overlords would never stop coming. republican, democrats, both the same. Just put on the suit, follow the rope, and never worry about anything ever again. Some got greedy. Some couldn't stomach it. Always, always, they never had to do anything that could result in failure.
Then all the sudden the GOP was against the wall and facing complete collapse. So they bent the knee to trump and it worked. It worked perfectly. They were already subservient warm bodies and trump wanted to run it all. Greed was good. Power, real power, was up for grabs.
Then covid.
The progressives had momentum but the DNC couldn't tolerate them. Without a creative bone in their bodies, having to build something good would put them all at risk. They slipped biden through the door. biden was more then happy to pretend to appease progressives as long as at the end of the day all his buddies could come along. He wanted to be liked. He tried, really did. Then palestinians were dieing and he was stumped. After all, he was just another suit following the rope.
Kamala was chopped down in her prime. A sacrifice to the deal that would come later. She was robbed of an identity and they even took away any fight she might have had in her. Spit her out and sent her to the back of the line.
Now we have a DNC that is looking over the fence and is thinking it looks a lot nicer on the other side. They think, "we wear the same suits, we sit at the same desks, we have the same friends, and eat at the same restruants."
They think, "why not just move in together?"
In a way the two sides need each other. The DNC needs a home and the GOP needs an enemy.
So now we watch them pretend. With their dramatic little slap fights.
The DNC holds its hand to its brow and faints, "oh no, their prowess is too strong. I've done all I can but I just can not any longer. Remember me and resist." Scene.
Right now, while they pretend to sleep the DNC is letting them reprogram the voting machines, rewrite the procedures, and destroy all the evidence.
Just like that, their futures are secured. Nothing needs to change. No one needs to know. They wake up tomorrow and pretend to fight again. They give it their best. They follow the rope. That's all they know.
As far as I know, dnc polling is in the gutter and doners are fleeing. This is what I'm saying when I say the dnc doesn't know how to use political capital. You're literally bankrupt with 2 years before an election that means anything. Go for broke.
It's time for new parties to rise from the festering corpses of both the Democrat and the Republican parties. A new Democrat party that isn't filled with fucking cowards. And a new Republican party that isn't filled with psychopathic sycophants.
Let them have the democratic party, they're already on the right and they've captured the GOP... Trouble is, the GOP is gone - it's now MAGA
We just need a party to coallese on the left, and the cycle will turn. It's happened before, it'll happen again, because a two party system is dumb
I'm hoping Bernie has the gas left in the tank to set it up, draw away actually progressive Democrats, and rally the public. Because I don't know who else could do it in time
Bernie for all his talk does nothing except tell people to vote Democrat. If he had any intention of creating a new party he would've done it years ago. Now don't get me wrong he does great work, but don't count on him to lead American progressives to glory.
Bernie's only job is to sheepdog for the DNC to keep disenfranchised voters locked into the system. He'll talk progressive and then ask us to vote for his good friends, the oligarchs.