MintyFresh God I hate this. Few things will turn me off a show quicker than those ridiculous filters they use. I've been to Mexico, it's not sepia toned.
47 1 ReplySmokeyDope
Its like the cinema version of brown-n-bloom from games of the 7th console generation. Filmographers discovered digital filters as a new tool so of course they are they going to use the new toy everywhere.
24 0 ReplyMmmmhmmmmmmmmmm Like JJ Abrams and lense flares
13 0 ReplySynopsisTantilize It's depressing how some of those games could have looks so colorful and great preHDR in consoles. Look to little big planet, or viva pinata.
4 0 Reply
DoubleSpace I first noticed this extreme in the movie Traffic, and it hasn't gotten much more subtle.
7 0 ReplysetVeryLoud(true);
Mexico is actually very colourful in the cities, it's really beautiful! US / Canada is concrete gray in comparison.
I think the US media made Mexico yellow to make themselves feel better tbh.
5 0 ReplySwedneck
we need more shows with colour filters for other places
american filter, french filter, norwegian filter4 0 Reply
circlescience If it's tangy and brown, you're in Mexico town
17 0 ReplyMintyFresh 3 0 Reply
Boomkop3 Where might that border be?
15 0 ReplyhelpImTrappedOnline Springfield obviously
Spain Portugal border
8 0 Reply