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Nougat "Did you just invoke 'intellect' and 'Joe Rogan' in the same breath?"
99 0 Replyflamingo_pinyata Joe Rogan is fairly intelligent compared to some of his guests
29 3 Replygoldteeth but then again, so is a bottle of lukewarm seltzer water.
66 0 Reply
delirium Joe Rogan has the intellect of a snail.
14 0 Replycurbstickle And yet, is correct - he's still more of an intellectual than some of his guests.
10 0 Replytoy_boat_toy_boat that's an insult to both joe rogan and the snail.
joe isn't as quick as a snail, and joe's a lot more slimy.
6 0 Reply
Donkter To be fair...
1 1 Reply
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