The result of letting people decide matters which are too complex to understand for the majority. Why wouldn't you let it to the politicians, you know, which were chosen by the people to do exactly that.
UK export growth has become increasingly dominated by services since 2010, with goods exports increasing by just 7% in real terms, compared with services exports growing by 63% over the same period.
Most goods commodities have seen falls in exports but rises in imports since 2010; in contrast, most service types have seen an increase in both exports and imports.
Most goods commodities have seen falling exports to EU countries and increased exports to non-EU countries; however, most service types have seen higher exports to both the EU and non-EU countries.
And we sort of see that last point reflected in the article itself:
Global food export volumes increased by nearly 6% in 2024 compared with a year earlier, the FDF found, as the UK began to see the benefits of free trade agreements. In the first full year after the UK-Australia trade deal came into force, the value of UK exports to Australia increased by 9% to £429.5m in 2024.
How so? There isn't a common defense policy in the EU that I know of, so any country is free to support Ukraine as much as they want, as far as I know. Happy to be corrected though.
I'm sure there are some brexit benefits somewhere, but I don't think this is it. What Orban is doing is stopping the EU doing something together, but he can't stop Denmark or Poland from supporting Ukraine if they wish to do so.