I don’t think he’ll invade Mexico. Same issue as Canada - the guerrilla resistance would be far too much for an occupying force the size of the US military. Panama is possible however.
No, I've come up with a hypothesis that he wants Greenland and Canada to control the Northwest Passage which, along with the Panama Canal, would give him a stranglehold on trade in pretty much the entire western hemisphere.
I bet the idea was planted by Putin gloating about how great global warming is going to be for Russia, including opening up the Arctic Ocean to shipping, and how it's such a shame that Canada and Greenland are standing in the way of Trump having the same thing.
What’s Trump gonna do, fight Greenland, Canada, and Panama all at once? If he touches Greenland, he might get Europe involved. Same with Canada. Not to mention, the wars will probably be thought of as foolish and the public will oppose them. You might get soldiers going awol too. Canada would be a guerilla war in a cold ass place. You thought Iraq was bad? Not to mention, there would probably be Americans fighting on the Canadian side.
I can’t even believe I’m talking about this. The world was mostly a peaceful place two months ago. Within a matter of weeks we’ve got Trump starting WW3.