Based on the font of "Company Policies" and the fact that it's an embossed metal (or shiny plastic) sign, I'm gonna assume this is a gag decoration. However, I wouldn't be surprised about a company using this as inspiration...
Yeah, this is one of those damn fool things you see hanging in gift shops and other outlets of kitsch, unironically on display as if it's still clever and nobody's ever seen it before. Usually right along side the very similar plaque with the "Labor rates: If you watch / If you offer advice / If you help" canard, "Harley Davidson Parking Only," "Complaint Department, Take a Number (Grenade)," and others of the same ilk.
What you're saying is, that you'll only accept that I'm sick if you genuinely hear absolutely nothing from me because I'm either dead or completely incapacitated, and then only show up later after recovering?
No one ever wanted to work, but we all do what we have to, to survive. If working as your employee doesn't allow me to survive, you can get fucked. lol
(Not you as in the person I am replying to but you know)
Oh damn looks like I got the Two week flu. The phone doctor said the only cure is foreign beach air. Don't worry though, I'm hating every minute of it and I'll be back just as soon as I'm well again.
Mildly related. In Germany (and I assume in other countries too, but I can't confirm) depending on why your doctor freed you from work you are actually allowed to do such stuff. As example if you get called sick from the doctor for depression you are allowed to go clubbing, make a trip to the beach etc. This is because under German law you are only forbidden to do stuff that is not beneficial for your recovery, so doing stuff that makes you happy is absolutely allowed. I would suggest to not tell this your employer, because that can lead to a lot of unnecessary discussions, but you are allowed to do this.
I see this and assume it's fake. Then, my wife starts a job where they make her pay for her own background heck and drug test and tell her she will be charged $250 if she quits without a 2 week notice. How is any of that legal?!
The line with the sick notices I can agree with. I mean... I sometimes get sick that I can barely leave bed, just sitting up makes me puke my guys out and then I'm supposed to walk to the next doctor, wait an hour ... Sitting .. so the doctor can tell me: "yep, you are sick"... Thank you, that trip probably delayed my recovery by a couple of days.