The most upvoted post on lemmy
The most upvoted post on lemmy

cross-posted from:
Lemmy Just Reached 1 Million Posts
Lemmy just reached a new milestone: 1 million posts, across 1,323 servers.
... Try ~12 million.
Its 2025, not 2023; your graph is old af.
/edit for some reason I completely skimmed the title and focused on the quoted text... Ocf it's old, it's talking about the most upvoted post on lemmy š¤¦
58 1 Replyinfeeeee Its a repostt of a ~2 years old post, when lemmy reached 1 million
49 0 ReplyEch And also has nothing to do with upvotes.26 0 Reply
TropicalDingdong I refuse to believe any year past 2020 happened.
13 0 ReplyNOT_RICK
Everything after Harambe died in 2016 has sucked
8 0 ReplyCoelacanth
People say time travel is impossible but it was 2020 yesterday and now people tell me it's five years later?
7 0 Reply
cm0002 Hah take that wall street, we can make line go up too!
16 1 Replyaasatru
pff - the real pros can make line go down

9 0 Replymmddmm Oh, cool, it's already close to completely reversing the uptick from the Trump's ad.
3 0 Reply
All of this is confusing af
14 0 Replyabobla Why did you repost this? I don't understand
12 0 ReplyMicrow
Because the original post is the most up-voted lemmy post ever, apparently
13 0 ReplyMelonYellow
Well I just went and gave it another upvoteš
4 1 Reply
EmpressElaina024 What happened in the total lemmy comments per day graph?
5 0 Replyartificialfish Iām very happy with lemmy. It has enough adoption to use it and it doesnāt matter that specific person X or every person in the world isnāt on there.
2 0 Reply