Is there any way to know how many total military personnel russia still has alive? 890k is a fuckload of death. Yes, it's true previous wars have killed more russians than this one so far.....but that doesn't mean 890k isn't at the point where you wonder "but, who's left? How are they still fighting?"
I don't think "casualties" means just death. Wounds are also considered under casualties. I've read varying numbers of death, but it seems to be somewhere around 120.000-150.000. Which is still a staggering number, especially in the short amount of time. Whatever else happens, Russia is pretty well demographically fucked for a while. Unfortunately Ukraine is probably too 😒
So, theoretically someone could get shot, not die, raise the count by one. Then heal, go back on the feont lines and get shot again, still not die, but now he's raised the count by 1 again, meaning total he raised the count twice.
Russia is recruiting. The bigger question is when will Russia run out of men, being willing to die in Ukraine. In 2024 Russia had 29.5million men between 20-50. That is Russian statistics, so who knows how good they are, but it is probably safe to presume that running out of men is not going to be the problem. More like running out of men willing to die and that is hard to say.
For a land the size of russia, 29 million seems really low.
Just for comparison, depending on the year Ohio has between 9-11 million people. Now look at Ohio's size, and now look at russia. Granted I know ohios number is total population, and the 29 mil is just healthy men aged 20-50, but still. Most people from europe don't comprehend the size of the usa. They think they'll land at disney in orlando, and then just drive to NYC is a couple hours. By that same token most americans don't comprehend the size of russia. It has something like 14 timezones. USA has 4, but you gotta remember one of those is just Hawaii. Now imagine 14. And you're telling me they only have 29 mil army ready men? Really feel like based on country size I would have expected 200mil. India is like the size of texas (which to be fair is huge on its own), but they have 2 BILLION people. There is no such thing as privacy there. Everybody watches you poop.
They are generally accepted to have recruited around 1000/day for all of 2024. However they have seen an uptick in recruiting in February as recruits bet that the war will be over (because of Trump's actions) before they are sent to front lines and thus they can collect the signing bonus without risking their life.