The encrypted messaging app Signal has stopped responding to requests from Ukrainian law enforcement regarding Russian cyberthreats, a Ukrainian official claimed, warning that the shift is aiding Moscow’s intelligence efforts.
First off, Signal hasn't said anything, this is an accusation made at a conference in Kyiv. So - who knows, they're behind, they don't have billions to support an army, who knows.
IF they have chosen to not help Ukraine where at all possible, that would be bad.
All of that said, if I was running a modern army using an encrypted chat app, I'd fucking have all that shit in-house, wtf. It's 2025. Ukraine already has a bunch of l337 h4X0rs. I'm sure they could slap something together in days and have it in the field in weeks.
Maintaining and testing such an app has costs and risks. They may think it’s more secure that signal does this. It is also harder to attack all of signal.
They are also significantly resource constrained, everything they have goes towards defence. The effort building the app could be deployed on developing weapon systems they can’t buy.
Your right nations should have their own independent systems for secure communications for military, politicians and civil service.