Filler episodes are important because they focus on character development and they give a break from the main plot.
Yeah I’m totally in agreement with this I need breathing episodes to care about characters. Day in the life episodes and bottle episodes help viewers connect emotionally with the characters. Too many shows these days expect viewers care about the central character just because they are the ones getting screen time.
Man in the High Castle was an interesting concept and interesting for the first seasons until it started getting into multiverse stuff. I tuned out once the Nazis had plans to take over a whole other parallel universe.
I was fascinated with the way a world would look like had they won, especially having never really thought about Japan’s role and sharing the United States as a territory. I like those sort of “what if” scenarios.
But they fumbled it once it got to that point. No idea if the book followed in that or not. I was just looking for the parallel “what if” world and to see the story take place there, kind of like experiencing the Wolfenstein games.
The way Phillip K Dick wrote that book was… pretty unique. He actually used a Chinese form of divination called I Ching. The book has a lot of seemingly abrupt and unforeshadowed plot developments because of that. Haven’t caught the show though so Im not sure how loyal it stays to the book.
Those are the ones that led me to that opinion, but even the less typical ones and ones without laugh tracks get the stink eye too
Tbh, even the ones I like, that hold up over time, they're just the ones that set up most of what made sitcoms so dead. Most of those were finished before I was even born though, and they still have the same kind of flaws.
I respect when shows try to break out of it all, but any time a show is situation comedy, it inherently limits what they can do. I think one of the best examples of that is always sunny. They broke a lot of the old rules, but it's still so constrained by having to work within its situation that it still ends up masturbatory in its structure as it progresses.