Monopoly Go! was the most profitable mobile game of 2024.
Monopoly Go! was the most profitable mobile game of 2024.
A board game created in 1903 was turned into a mobile game and became the biggest revenue machine of 2024.

- While new game downloads plateaued in 2024, in-app purchases grew 3.8 percent compared to 2023.
- The game that drew in the highest revenue based on in-app purchases for 2024 was Monopoly Go.
- However, Tencent continues to dominate the mobile gaming space with the company drawing in over $10 billion in revenue from mobile games.
Game about making money in a genre designed to make money makes money.
16 0 ReplyMelodiousFunk
6 0 Reply
PiJiNWiNg Wtf are people even buying? Different board pieces or something?
5 0 ReplyGem OP
Dice rolls.
3 0 Reply
PunkiBas I've seen a couple break up because of monopoly, it brings the worst out of some people, why would you want to play it on the go? hrmm.., maybe people like to get riled up...
4 0 ReplyRightHandOfIkaros maybe people like to get riled up...
Wait until you hear about this thing called social media (it includes Lemmy)
5 0 Reply
Scopely is also buying Pokemon Go, just in case y'all somehow still needed a reason to uninstall it
2 0 Replymindbleach The entire business model is a scam.
All counterarguments have been bickering about word choice when tricking people out of their money, or glibly endorsing tricking people out of their money.
1 0 Reply