grandel 41 0 ReplyAnna Instructions unclear, injected it straight into my bloodstream.
20 1 ReplyApytele
boofed it
4 0 Reply
kibiz0r Need bag water to counteract the mouse water
15 0 Replypetersr Cat water?
7 0 Replykibiz0r But then you’ll need dog water to deal with the cat water
3 0 Reply
Redderthanmisty Darwin awards nominee
10 0 Replyengene Who gets a mouse with that product placement 🙄
10 0 ReplyLv_InSaNe_vL I have a mouse like that but it says Cisco and it's the blue and grey that the Netgear switches used to be for some reason.
But I got it for free in an industry (IT) event. Same with the 1/3 of my closet that is just branded T-shirts haha
6 0 Reply
lucster I don‘t get it?
7 0 ReplyDannyBoy I'm not sure, only you can answer that!
If you don't get it, there's liquid in the base of the mouse. The original poster drank it and is now sick.
13 1 Replylka1988 That mouse is early-2000s as fuck
8 0 Reply58008
Is the water just a funky visual thing, or is it serving some purpose? Weight modifier? Palm-cooling?? Miniature sea-monkey aquarium???🤔
5 0 Replylucster Ooff, okay. Thanks.
1 0 Replydaggermoon
It's probably not water. It's probably some alcohol mixture to keep it from evaporating. Sort of like that shit in a therometer.
1 1 Reply
spicy pancake
frutiger aeroh no
5 0 ReplyUncleGrandPa
although the fluid in liquid filled computer water.
3 0 Replyfl42v I'd rather not drink it, on the off chance it's mixture of water and ethylene glycol, like in those snow globes, or some other poisonous shit.
1 0 Reply
Was it worth it ?
2 0 ReplyFonzie! Going by the title, no.
2 0 Reply
أنس القطونجي
Gotta drink it, it will taste special ik
1 0 Reply