I'm guessing it'll continue along the crease of his neck and fly off into the ether. It would be rad if it decapitated him, but the real world isn't that pleasant these days.
My brother sent me this meme an hour ago... Problem is, he believes it... He is not very smart. He is the kind of person who thinks that the memes in wallstreetbets are some kind of conspiracy level of good advice because, and I quote, "They can't just go out and say it, that would be stock manipulation and possibly insider trading!"
I've been trying to convince him since that buying Tesla stock right now is a very, very bad idea. It's not a very good idea at all.
“They can’t just go out and say it, that would be stock manipulation and possibly insider trading!”
Has he not paid attention to the majority of Congress? There is a reason they won't do shit about manipulations and insider trading.
Most of Wallstreet bets it's just hopium, but elons already played a lot of games with the stock market to get Tesla as ridiculously overvalued as it is. I wouldn't put it past him to do more (cause he already has) straight up illegal things to boost that price. I mean he just used the president to do a car show (which is all sorts of stupid and illegal).
I sold most of my TSLA at 350, but kept a couple hundred to back some long calls at 400. Kinda wish I'd just unloaded it all, but those calls are likely to go unclaimed, so that's nice.