TheGoodKall A honk implies, in my mind, a quick press of the horn. I'd be holding it down until the traffic laws are once again obeyed
17 1 ReplyHamBrick Or it could equate to you REALLY loving Jesus
4 0 Reply
Mack7400 Atheist: dies
Jesus: Welcome to heaven yo
Atheist: wtf
Jesus: yeah you honked that car so you got baptized by car horn lol
Atheist: nooooo
9 0 ReplyCeruleanRuin
That last line describes an antitheist more than a vanilla atheist. Frankly I'd be thrilled to die and discover I was wrong about there being no afterlife.
7 0 Reply
demlet Conversion tactic level 1000.
6 0 ReplyMothBookkeeper "Breathe if you're a stupid dumb dumb head."
I reject their premise.
7 2 ReplyBrooklynMan
[Grows gills in defiance, jumps in nearby river]
3 0 Reply
I am grumpy today and also tired of Twilight Zone memes, but this one made me larff. :) Thanks
5 0 ReplyMxM111
Also Jesus is not unique name.
5 1 ReplyBrooklynMan
Cut them off and shout, “MY DILDO’S NAME IS JESUS! MWAHAHAHA!"
3 1 Reply