It's the same effing thing over and over. Same with dinsey beating the dead corpse of Star Wars. Don't they have any new, different ideas? Or are they gonna make 5000000000000 movies about the same shit?
If they really want her back, they’ll do it. “Whoa, I can’t believe the Russians cloned her, then turned her into a man, then the obvious dysphoria stemming from it caused her to turn traitor and join shield. I can’t believe she looks completely different now!” Far from the weirdest comic plot line
RDJ being Dr. Doom makes me think it's just going to be Tony Stark "but what if he was evil" since Iron Man and Dr. Doom have relatively similar schticks. (Keyword: relatively. Nobody should read this and feel the need to tell me why they're different. I only mean they're both egotistical geniuses in metal armor.)
There actually was a storyline where Viktor stole Tony's body and life. Leaving Tony with amnesia in his body and deported back to latveria. Except Viktor Tony became a good version of doom and Tony Viktor became an evil iron man.
Personally I feel like it died with the resolving arc from Infinity war Part 2, when Thanos got beaten. I'm good to have it left there.
GOTG3 ended their arc pretty neatly too.
And even if I watch every marvel movie moving forward, I imagine it as being alternate timeline to the true ending. (a bit the same thing as the zelda timeline with hero defeated/hero won things)
They got her early. She had a few solid credits to her name when she did Iron Man 2, but the smart MCU move at that point was to recruit young-ish talent and get them signed on for multi-movie contracts relatively cheap. Hopefully what we all get out of that sort of arrangement is that talented actors make enough MCU money to go off and do whatever out-there artsy stuff that creatively appeals to them and fosters their talents, rather than having to plug away in garbage movies just to pay the bills.
She was definitely a name before Ironman 2 with movies like "Lost in Translation", "The Island", "Girl with a pearl earring", "Black Dahlia" to name a few.
I remember people being excited about seeing her in Ironman 2.
You are right that they grabbed cheaper people originally, but they werent unknown names.
Disney really made the MCU great up to and including Endgame. It should have ended after that but Disney could not stop ass fucking that cash cow to tears. Now we are left with garbage. I followed the MCU since the beginning with hulk/iron man. I miss the old MCU. Never cared for black widow though
It’s probably shameful for me to mention it, but I don’t think that I have seen Endgame more than the single time I saw it in theaters. It’s two very long movies to keep up with and then there’s so much going on that I’m not able to focus on a single character. I think that’s one reason that I’ve really enjoyed Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Stakes are much lower and there’s several characters, but they are manageable to keep track of because most of them are just normal supporting characters and not main characters in other movies about them.
Every Marvel hero I like has died and come back multiple times. Why should Black Widow be any different? It doesn't make them less of a hero. It doesn't diminish their sacrifice. It just allows the character to continue being loved in new stories.
People downvote this a lot, but the "writers" have to bend over backwards to find a way to make her useful. Imagine she was a guy and didn't bring the sex appeal and the ass shots. Disney adults would boo him in the cinema.