I mean, these are not UK specific, but if you want a break from the constant negativity, here are some sites that report specifically on positive news:
It was actually sunny over the weekend! I know it's peak British cliché to talk about the weather, but going outside when it's not cold and miserable definitely makes you feel good.
I've been doing HEMA and learning to fight with a sword and shield is really cool and good exercise. It's nice to be moving more and doing something nerdy whilst meeting new people. Recently I brought most of my safety kit and I'm hoping to get a sword soon too.
There are a couple of people with huge two handed swords at the club, those look like a lot of fun. I don't think a Guts sword would do you any good without the super strength to go with it.
It was my birthday a week ago and I got a dozen friends out for a meal, which is nice as we don't see enough of a couple of them and I'd saved the fact that a friend from London would be there, which was a nice surprise for everyone. Which would be enough to count as something that made me happy.
Then on the Sunday I went to my brother's for tea and mentioned this as we were eating. When my niece heard that there were two women there (which I felt was a disappointingly low number) she declared that I was "ris". As an old geezer, I couldn't possibly use "ris" outside of quotes but this has given me the opportunity to bring it up a few times and it still amuses me.
So two things that made me happy.
Oh, then my birthday gift to myself was a Boba Fett helmet and blaster - it is going to take a long time for that novelty to wear off.
So yeah, good week. Pity I have had the lurgy over the weekend but being "ris" has carried me through.
I was aware of from articles about words the young folk use that old duffers (past 25) can't possibly throw into conversation without some serious context. Now I have the context. I will use this power wisely. And to baffle old folks with it.