tomkatt You are now banned from Reddit.
56 0 Replycm0002 OP Yea well you commented on it so you're banned from Reddit too! Ha ha!
40 0 Replytomkatt I did worse than comment, I upvoted. I’ll leave my badge and fire flower on the desk on my way out.
35 0 Reply
BurnoutDV This quickly evolves to the good ol' "you are banned from /r/pyongang just its the whole thing now lol
6 0 Reply
Even Bowser isn't that evil
28 0 ReplySatansMaggotyCumFart 48 0 ReplyIheartcheese
This is a million times better in a screechy toad voice
19 0 Reply
PlantJam Took me a while to recognize the flower and remember what it did.
17 0 Replyᴍᴜᴛɪʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴᴡᴀᴠᴇ Jesus this makes me feel old.
8 0 ReplyOmega
On one hand, the newer games have fire too. But on the other hand, that doesn't change how old the old games are. Also, I just played some Super Mario World and it feels just like when I was a kid.
2 0 Reply
Tempus Fugit
Another cute and topical one! These are great. Luigi to the rescue.
8 0 Replybort
Hell yeah fucking get em Luigi
5 0 Reply